Studying of efficiency SIM for rehabilitation of patients
with suicide behaviour. SIM is a modern method of personality-focused
musictherapy,а which integrates synaesthetic art and new
information technologies. Working factors are: the interactive
video-music based on psychological laws (Miroshnik I. Color as
stimulus of formation of the direct - emotional relation to music.
In: "New researches in psychology", 1987, ╣ 1.
Moscow, pp. 55-58). SIM for the first time it is realized in
computer system "Tonic " (1992). The interactive video-music
in 24 tonalities on themes from WTC аby I.S.Bach are used.
By results ofа a psychodiagnostic (LusherТs color test, test
Supos-8) the computer automatically arrangesа video-musical
images to actual and desirable conditions of the client. With the
help of system of videomusical images andа tests it is carried
out the directed psycho-correction with a psycho-feedback. (Gavrilin
E., Miroshnik I. The patent of the Russia for the invention, ╣
2033818, 1995). SIM was applied to treatment of 47 patients after
heavy poisoningsа of a mixed psychoactive substances, on
residuals stages, individually on 4 sessions. Control group: 38
Optimization adequate to correctional influence psychoemothional
conditions on subjective and objective parameters was observed.
Reduction by 14 % of the patients requiring for translation in
psychiatric clinic, and reduction of terms of rehabilitation by
23 % is marked.а
SIM can be applied to the accelerated rehabilitation of patients
with psychogenic frustration, with suicide behaviour, at
treatment psychoemothional infringements, psychosomatic diseases,
a narcotic and alcoholic dependences.
[i] Miroshnik I. Method of a Synergic
Interactive Musictherapy (SIM). 13th AEP Congress, Munich,
Germany. Poster session: Interdisciplinary II, P-06-15. //In
Journal: European Psychiatry, Volume 20, Supplement 1, March
2005, P. 223-229.