15th European Congress of Psychiatry, Madrid, Spain, March 17 - 21, 2007

Session Proposals Form (Symposia and Workshops)


Name: Irina Miroshnik,

Address: Street of Academician Ljapunova, the house 11, an apartment 55

61166 Kharkov, UKRAINE

Telephoneаno: +057 702 0872

Name: Evgeny Gavrilin

Address: Horoshevskoe highway, house 62, an apartment 74,

123007 Moscow, Russia

Telephoneаno: +495 941 3598

Complementary Psychology[i]

Complementary Psychology (CP, from лcomplementum╗) - a new direction of psychology, which has lain in a basis of the Personality-Oriented Computerized Psychotherapy (POC-Therapy) and the Synergic Interactive Musictherapy (SIM), will be represented. (See: 13th AEP Congress, Munich, Poster: Interdisciplinary II). The CPТs basic idea is: a psychological rehabilitation by introduction of the complementary attitudes into sensoric-perceptive and motivational - semantic fields of the client. Expected result - replacement of antagonistic, ambivalent and reversive psychic processes, conditions and properties on harmonious complementary.


аCPТs basic theoretical models will be representing:


ааааааа A synergic trinity of a science - religion Ц art.

ааааааа Amphi-trinitarian paradigm: amphoteric determination of personalityТs development at the three ontologic levels: biological; social; spiritual.

ааааааа Principle of harmonious complementary (unlike the dialectic contradictions).

ааааааа The Law of Chiasmosа (УChristeningФ of a Complementary Pairs).

ааааааа Principle of amphoteric third.


The CPТs basic procedure of classification and creation of the metric-metaphorical space for art images will be represented.

The CPТs basic Quadriphase procedure of the personalityТs transformation with uses the motivational effect of informing psychometric feedback will be submitted on an example of the purposeful regulation of the psycho-emotional conditions (PEC):


1.аааа Objectification (transcription) of an actual PEC into psychometric and art images.

2.аааа Objectification of a desirable or required PEC into psychometric and art images.

3.аааа Harmonious synthesis of complementary contrasts in the transitive PEC.

4.аааа Production (birth) the amphoteric third PEC.


Classical musicТs psychotherapeutic interpretation (Miroshnik, piano) and synaesthetic films for the SIM will be shown. Discussion is planned.



[i] These materials were submitted on 15th European Congress of Psychiatry, Madrid, Spain, March 17 - 21, 2007. We have received confirmation from organizing committee: "Thank you Dr.а Miroshnik. Your Session Proposal form was sent. Your tracking number for inquiries:а 82446 6/22/2006".

However, we could not take part in the congress and consequently this scientific work was not publishing in materials of the congress.


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