AMPHI-TRINITARIAN transcription of the personality[I.M.1]а

I.M.Miroshnik, Ye.V.Gavrilin


In the given theses the description of special terms which play a key role in the theory of Personality-oriented Computerized Psychotherapy (POC-THERAPY)а is submitted.

Key words and word collocations: amphoteric character, ampthitrinitarian synergic model, the personality, a personal transcription, (POC-THERAPY, complementary, a science, religion, art, neosofia, postindustrial personalistic culture, psychological engineering of the personality, family, synergy, a semantic axis of Being - Consciousnesses - Time, translation, transformation, trinity, trinitarian paradigm.

1.а The term Уa trinitarian paradigmФ is entered by us for a designation of change of dialectic paradigmatic basis in a context of 90th years of the last century developed from the beginning of new outlook - neosofia (synergic trinity OF A SCIENCE, RELIGION, ART), the social theory postindustrial democratic personalizm, the philosophic-psychological concept personТs trinity, ampthitrinitarian synergic model, theories and technologies of POC-THERAPY. The trinitarian paradigm having the preconditions (but no more!) in religion, art and a science, it is considered by us as trans a phenomenon of evolution of thinking and consciousness of the personality, and the harmonious analysis of three-local relations - as a universal heurism in a science (mathematics, physics, genetics etc.) and art (music, painting, the literature etc.). And, the term Уa trinitarian paradigm (but not a doctrine!), we emphasize occuring change of a paradigm of scientific knowledge, the introduction into new epoch of revolutionary changes in natural, social and spiritual spheres of consciousness and activity of the person.

2.а Complementary contrasts. The dialectic triad is considered as necessary, but not a sufficient condition of formation of theа trinitarian thinking. Transition from a dialectic paradigm to trinitarian is comprehended within the framework of developed by us ampthitrinitarian synergic model in which the principle amthoteric determinations of development at three complementary levels of self-organizing of complex systems for the first time is formulated. Property of amphoteric character for the first time is considered as fundamental property of complex systems - a source of self-organizing and development. Amphoteric character (from amphoteros - Уboth that and anotherФ, bilateral) in the theory of POC-THERAPY it is many-sided: necessary - possible; material - ideal; mental - physical; subjective - objective; measurement - change; causal - teleonomic; actual - potential; manТs - female, understanding - an explanation, real - virtual etc. Such amthi-determination is considered as a necessary condition of development of the personality.

3.ааааа Four substances of the harmonious trinity. In the model offered by us harmonious trinity, as against dialectic triad by Hegel, contrasts are not antagonistic, but mutually-additional, that is complementary contrasts - the major position of the theory of POC-THERAPY. As an example of model of a synergic trinity, based on complementary relations, formation of family can serve: interaction complementary contrasts of a manТs substance (gametes) and a female substance (gamete) results in occurrence of a substance of uncertainty - synthesis of contrasts (a zygote, a fruit) and to birth the amphoteric third substance (child) which carries out function of harmonious addition to two complementary contrasts, but not their synthesis as such. That is У the substance of synthesis of contrasts (bifunctional connections)Ф is not the sanction of conflict of opposites (as at Hegel), but is only a step to birth of the third substance, which is taking place concerning harmonious addition to two another. Thus, in ampthitrinitarian synergic model the HegelТs triad is generalized and for the first time four substances of formation harmonious trinity are described: a substance of the thesis (the man - the spouse); a substance of the antithesis (the woman - the spouse); a substance of uncertainty - synthesis (a zygote,а a fruit) - a substance parathesis (child). Mother - the child - father - resulting harmonious trinity of the substances (family). Birth through synthesis by two contrasts amthoteric the third translates abstract antagonism УmanТs - femaleФ in complementary contrasts (the wife, the husband, the spouse) and, as consequence (investigation), harmony of a trinity (mother - the child - father). And harmonious third (production) is formed as an original transcription of two others. A necessary condition of overcoming of antagonism of contrasts and formations harmonious trinity is the Love.

4.ааааа The Love is a connection (synergy) of the complementary contrasts, aspiring to generation harmonious third, which becomes amphoteric (Уboth that, and anotherФ) - an original transcription of both spouses - and by that causes their connection in synergic trinity of the families. In the sexual act there is a merge complementary contrasts and synthesis amphoteric connections of manТs and female, which the third (production), passing a phase of development of a fruit (a phase of uncertainty), appears on light as amphoteric third (production), establishing (installing) harmony of the complementary contrasts.

5.ааааа Amphoteric character of the psychotherapeutic environment. POC-THERAPY enters the client and the psychologist in new measurement of human experience - the world of information digital modelling. However, as against other computer aided forms of psychotherapy (e-therapy, online-therapy, virtual psychotherapy, network psychotherapy etc.), In the POC-therapy the amphoteric psychotherapeutic environment, which is simultaneously real and virtual, is created, that is virtual and actual interactions of the psychologist and the client mutually supplement each other in necessary unity. Opportunities of new information technologies are used not so much for virtualizing, how many for objectivizing of the mental processes, conditions and properties of the subject. Thus real, actual interaction with the psychologist, real activity with the computer at all do not lose the value.а It means, that the positive result of POC-THERAPY is reached due to joint subject activity of the psychologist and the client. And as the tool of such joint activity the personal computer supplied with the special software acts.

6.ааааа The Transcription (from a latin word УtranscriptioФ - copying). From biology it is known, that the structure and a sequence nucleotides in a gene can be copied on RNA. Against everyone nucleotides one of helix DNA is placed complementary nucleotides RNA. This process refers to as a transcription, i.e. УcopyingФ of the genetic information from УoneФ in УanotherФ. In teleonomic technologies of POC-THERAPY the similar mechanism of coding and a transcription of mental properties is realized. The certain mental properties are coded in psychometric art images (PAI). Then with the help of special technology get out PAI, complementary to actual and desirable (required) properties of the client. Special conditions (factors of initialization of a transcription) are created. Process of transformation of psychic conditionsа and properties of the personality is started.

7.ааааа The Psychological technology of a transcription for the first time was realized in a technique of simultaneous presentation of sound and color stimulus (SPSC), with which help were established complementary attitudes between musical and color stimulus. To us it was experimentally proved, that processes of formation complementary attitudes (relations) and a transcription Уmusic- emotion - color У with the help of technique SPSC, stimulate development of creative abilities of the personality, and also have the expressed therapeutic effect (I.M.Miroshnik, 1983-1990).

8.ааааа Analogies to the biochemical theory of transfer of the genetic information have served one of sources of formation of the theory and the thesaurus of POC-THERAPY, which can be considered as a method, and concrete technology of psychological engineering of the personality. The central role in the theory of POC-THERAPY belongs to a principle of complementary, on the basis of which double helix model DNA is constructed and transfer of inherited properties is carried out. We shall remind, that the term УcomplementaryФ occurs from a latin word УcomplementumФ. The term was seldom used in psychology, however was widely applied in natural sciences. Complementary structures approach to each other as a key to the lock: one searches and finds in another that to it does not get up to the whole. In technology of POC-THERAPY complementary to the subject are objectivizing psychometric and/or art images of his mental conditions andа psychic properties. And the technology of POC-THERAPY carries out the function similar to genic engineering, that is derivates the external, objective psychometric art image appropriate to the internal, subjective phenomenon (a transcription internal in external). The external image of УinternalФ is transformed by the psychologist and the client; the transformed image of psyhic conditions and properties is created. The transcription external in internal, and then translation of the copied properties in behavioural and characteristic patterns is carried out. Thus, in the first transcription internal operates through external, and it is changed (A.N.LeontТev, and in the second - external refracts through all set of internal conditions (S.L.Rubinshtejn).

9.ааааа Trinity system of joint activity. During productive interpersonal interaction of the psychologist, his virtual assistants (computer co-therapists) and the client also are established a complementary relations. And, according to methodology of POC-THERAPY, objectivizing in the computer the image of mental processes, properties and conditions of the client acts as a subject of joint activity and the psychologist and the client. In it distinctive feature of POC-THERAPY. Thus the computer multimedia program carries out mediatorial functions and also function of the tool of joint activity of the psychologist and the client. Three computer psychotherapist which exist in virtual multimedia space, model attitudes (relationships) of harmonious unity of three persons (similarly Trinity). This original psychotherapeutic trio. Each virtual psychotherapist (the man - Yevgeny, the woman - Irina, the old man - Freid) has the party (set) - a therapeutic task, character, a manner of dialogue etc., but together they make uniform ensemble of mutually supplementing voices. They are united with a triune task of rehabilitation and development of the personality of the client in three ontologic plans (biological, social, spiritual). This harmonious Trio (as well as a divine Trinity) complementary to everyone who enters interaction with him.

10. Psycho-engineering of the personality. We consider POC-THERAPY and as a method of psychological engineering of the person. The personalityТs psychological engineering (psychoengineering) is understood as purposeful change of properties (transformation) of the personality with the help of special psychological techniques. The important distinctive feature of a psychoengineering is application techniques of psychological diagnostics not only in traditional aspect, but also as the tool of designing and modelling of mental processes, conditions and properties of the personality: together with the psychologist the client (with the help of the special computer program) makes psychological measurements of the mental processes, conditions and properties. In a course diagnostics there is a so-called motivational effect of informing feedback: the client realizes, that the measured mental parameters are not optimum concerning space of potentially possible values, set in procedure of measurement, and feels incentive force to self-improvement, that is there is a motive of self-transformation of the subject. During a transcription of the person of the client there is her paradoxical self-doubling, dissociation: to a subjective, internally УSelf Ц ConceptФ resists objectivizing, an external УSelf Ц ConceptФ, which becomes a subject of activity, more precisely, we shall recollect early S.L.Rubinshtejn, - a subject of creative amateur performance of the subject, a subject of his self-transformation. Arises unique amthoteric connection, in which contrasts internal - external, ideal - real, subjective - objective, actual - potential, necessary - possible coexist, but do not struggle, and cooperate, mutually supplement and mutually enrich each other. Carrying out purposeful change (transformation) of the objectivizing УSelf Ц ConceptФ by means of special actions and the technological operations, which are carried out under the direction of the psychologist, the client appropriates transformations and connects them with the subjective, internal УSelf Ц ConceptФ. Then, with the help of special technologies, translation of a new УSelf Ц ConceptФ in behavioural patterns is carried out. Acquiring these technologies of a psychoengineering, the client develops creative abilities and raises a level of system self-organizing of the personality.

11. Increase of a level of self-organizing. Self-control of an organism at a biological level is carried out mainly unconsciously. The individual meaningly perceives, realizes (as the state of health, mood, activity etc.) only results of this self-control of an organism, that is he is not the conscious subject of managerial process by an organism, and acts as its object faster. Similarly, own mental processes (memory, attention, thinking etc.). Mental (psychic) conditions and properties of the personality act for the individual as a reality, which exists be relative irrespective of his will. Management of these processes is carried out by social system - family, a society, the state. At such way of existence the individual is formed as Уa partial detail of the partial machineФ, an element of global structure of a social production and consumption. As a result of a mismatch of the internal program of development (the ideal project which, as a rule, is not realized by an individual or it is gradually superseded in area unconscious) and the external social program of management formation and behaviour of an individual, which not is always optimum for the last, arise neurosises, psycosomatic and other diseases. Or, in other words, because of a low level of self-organizing of the personality her physical, social and spiritual health can be worsened. And, it is important to understand, that the similar situation is characteristic for the modern historical period. In conditions of transformation of social and economic system the new law of formation of health starts to work: increase of a level of self-organizing of the personality results in increase of levels of her physical, social and spiritual health. And, required increase of a level of self-organizing of the personality occurs under influence amphoteric determinations, when in the certain conditions (created, for example, means of POC-THERAPY), she becomes simultaneously both the subject and object, both internal and external, both real and ideal, both the reason and the purpose of development. In other words, than in the greater measure the individual is capable to reflect itself, the more realized, crucial and purposeful there is a process of mental self-management by ability to live at biological, social and spiritual levels of life, the above a level of health of the person, family, a society.

12. Direct transcription and return transcription of Уreal Ц virtualФ. Technologies of POC-THERAPY create special conditions, which allow to carry out transcriptions of properties of a virtual art image-subject in conditions and properties of the personality of the client, and also a return transcription. The major condition - a choice of an art image, complementary to psychic conditions and properties of the client - the subject of transformation. The client УinheritsФ the properties broadcast by an art image, and the art image gets properties of the personality of the client. For an establishment a complementary attitudes (relations) between the real subject (client) and a virtual art image-subject, start of process of a transcription and reception of result of a transcription of properties of the personality are developed teleonomic technologies (the УThe Method of the directed regulation of an emotional condition of the personФ (means of aesthetic influences), 1993; the Technique of a role psychometric productions, 1995; Other technologies of POC-THERAPY).

13. Personality transcription (and a transcription of the personality) in the theory of POC-therapy. Process (and result) УcopyingФ of psychic conditionsа and properties of one personality (real or virtual), in conditions and properties of other personality (real or virtual), during productive interpersonal interaction (that is original inheritance of mental properties, their transfer to another, complementary personality), is defined by us as a personal transcription (and a transcription of the personality).

14. The Complex of preliminary initialization - prepares process of a transcription of mental properties in POC-THERAPY, and includes special key words, psychological dispositions, attitudes and exercises, and also nonverbal influences, such as triune architecture (trinitarian structure) of the multimedia - programs, the certain visual, sound images etc., which are incorporated in the multimedia - program УInteractive psychological theatre.

15. Initialization of a transcription in POC-THERAPY it is carried out by creation (synthesis) of a mental amthoteric connections: necessary - possible; mental - physical; subjective - objective; causal - teleonomic; actual - potential; real - virtual etc. amthoteric connections are created in unity of three ontologic plans: natural, social, spiritual. According to the theory of the POC-THERAPY, fundamental amphoteric character in three ontologic plans and, accordingly, substances of the personality, acts as a primary factor of increase of a level of self-organizing and development of this complex system.

16. Amphitrinitarian transcription of the personaliny. A supertask of POC-THERAPY - formation trinitarian paradigms of self-awareness and thinking of the personality. The main philosophical idea of our method of psychotherapy is a healing through comprehension of unity of three substances of the person (harmonious trinity of three substances of the person: natural, social, spiritual). The Trinity doctrine of Christianity receives the reflection in trinitarian thinking and self-awareness of the personality. With the help of special psychological techniques, receptions and exercises (Уthe Trinity of a personalityФ etc.) during in POC-THERAPY the personality becomes an original transcription of the Trinity: Уthe Personality is triune and in this trinity she is similar to the absolute person of the GodФ. Such amphi-trinitarian transcription raises a level of self-organizing of the personality and has expressed psychotherapeutic effect.

17. Amphitrinitarian model of personal Being Ц Consciousness - Time. In the works we marked, that occurred in the beginning of our era comprehension Trinity as inside itself the personal relationships of three GodСs substancesа (person of the Father, person of the Son, person of the Holy Spirit), the outlook and a way of thinking of the person has qualitatively changed, having created preconditions for spasmodic development of the western civilization. On a joint of the second and third millenia, in the postSoviet geopolitic space, there was a new break of historical time which experience has caused the second jump of public consciousness correlating with comprehension the trinity of natural, social and spiritual substances of the personality. Thus the area of allowable decisions of a task of the future is displaced in the new system of coordinates which are distinct from axial time (Axenzeit) by A. Weber and Karl Jaspers. From our point of view, the new semantic axis of a history is set in amphi-trinitarian coordinates (Amphi-trinitarian axis): Table 1.

Table 1. A semantic axis of лBeing Ц Consciousness Ц Time╗ in amphi-trinitarian coordinates: Trinity of the God - Trinity of the Personality
Comprehension Trinity of the GOD Comprehension Trinity of the Personality
Formation of Christianity, the Beginning of New Era Formations postindustrial personslistic cultures, the Beginning of the third millenium
аThe Trinitarian doctrine of a Christianity The Trinitarian paradigm of the personality
One God in Trinity, and Trinity in unity, for one is the person of the Father, another of the Son, another of the Holy Spirit. One personality is in unity of three substances of her self-awareness and activity: a biological substance; a social substance; a spiritual substance.


Neither confusing the persons nor separating the substance.


Neither confusing the substances nor separating the personality.



18. We put forward a hypothesis about the qualitative trinitarian jump of a consciousness, according to which the amthitrinitarian semantic axis of УBeing Ц Consciousness Ц TimeФ, sets area of existence of decisions of the global world outlook problems, determining a new qualitative jump of self-awareness of the personality and a society. The put forward hypothesis is confirmed indirectly with appreciable growth of the publications anyhow connected to trinitarian ideas, which becomes appreciable with 1996 - 1997 and proceeds till now. This phenomenon we consider, on the one hand, as concrete empirical display of the second leap of the self-awareness connected with amphitrinitarian personal transcription, and with another, - as origin and formation postindustrial personalistic cultures. We repeatedly observed trinitarian jump of individual self-awareness in psychological and student teaching. At the end of the second millenium the beginning of the third millenium it is possible to observe increase of quantity of articles on trinitarian subjects in a science, religion, art. It is possible to consider increase of number of publications as empirical display of a quantum leap of the public self-awareness occuring on a amphitrinitarian semantic axis of УBeing Ц Consciousness Ц TimeФ, for the first time allocated in works by I.M.Miroshnik, Ye.V.Gavrilin of 1995-2002 years.





а[I.M.1]This scientific article is published in Russian in Taurian Magazine of Psychiatry (Crimea, Simferopol), ╣ 4, 2002.


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