
УSLOBODSKOY KRAYФ, Newspaper of the Kharkov Regional State Administration, August 31, 2006, Thursday. P. 8. (УHEALING by BEAUTYФ- journalist Inna Pogorelaya has interviewed Irina Miroshnik)


SPEAK that in China and some other countries publish the musical albums with unexpected names: "Digestion", "Migraine", "Liver". In addition, accept these products, as tablets or medical grasses. Concerning it I have shared the doubts with Irina Miroshnik (in a picture), the known psychologist - adviser, the candidate of psychological sciences, the pianist, the author of methods of "the Personalityality Oriented Computerized psychotherapy (POC-THERAPY) and "a Synergic Interactive Musictherapy (SIM)", awarded the silver and bronze medals on the 47-th WORLD EXHIBITION OF INNOVATION, RESEARCH AND NEW TECHNOLOGY УBRUSSELS EUREKAФ.


-Yes, it is "musical pharmacology", - a direction in which, by the way, has gone Russian clinical musical therapy. "The physiological symphony "or" Concert for a liver with an orchestra " is at all a joke. Enthusiasts in the different countries make " Medical music catalogues" and trade this Уmusic for healthФ in wholesale and retail. However the Swedish way of development of musicl therapy with its careful relation to the personality and understanding that music not only universal physiotherapy, but also powerful psychological means of self-organizing and development of the personality is closer to me.


-аааааааа In this year you had an opportunity to take part in rather significant event - in Royal musical college of Stockholm was held 5-th Scandinavian conference on musical therapy " Nordic Sound ", organized by the The Association for Music Therapy in Sweden...


-Yes, " the Swedish school " (alongside with American) traditionally is considering as the founder of a music therapy. Therefore for Evgeny Vladimirovich Gavrilin my co-author, Cand.Tech.Sci., and me, was a great honor to receive the invitation to Stockholm and to be publishing in scientific materials of conference on music therapy where the newest achievements of known experts from Europe, USA, Australia and other countries were submitted. The paper in Stockholm we have named " The Modern Method of Personality-Oriented Musictherapy "[i]. Many directions coexist in modern music therapy. In particular, at the Italian schoolа of music therapy are developed effective techniques with which help it is possible essentially to improve a condition of patients with Syndrome of Down, by congenital deafness, Children with Autism, Children's Cerebral paralysis, and other heavy illnesses. By the way, as the full member of Federation of Italian Musictherapists (Federazione Italiana Musicoterapeuti, F.I.M., Bergamo), in 2003 I invited its president, the professor of music Giulia CREMASCHI TROVESI to Ukraine. Therefore, our experts had an opportunity to be acquainted with this direction of music therapy, first-hand.


а- As I understand, with the help of a special means you are doing a classical music closer, interesting and, that the most important, useful and clear for any person. What there are these means? Open, please, this secret!


- There is such Greek word "SynergyФ. It means mutual "assistance", amplification аof several forces. Synergic music assists the personality in perfection of processes of self-control, harmonization of interaction between

right (emotional - shaped) and left (rational - logic) hemispheres of a brain.


- Irina, Help us to present session of musical therapy. How is it doing?


- OТkey, we shall take a fragment of record of one of sessions. I shall change some details (from reasons of a professional etiquette).


A dying swan and the Phoenix bird


а- Hello, my name is Vera[1]. The nice young woman enters into a study of the psychologist. Uncertainty and fear is read in depth of her big brown eyes. She complains of disturbing dream, tearfulness, and the obsessional fear of a death. On the computerТs screen my virtual assistant offers Vera to choose colors which are most pleasant to her at present time. After her choice, the computer psychologist changes a look on is sad - sympathizing and informs about infringement of her psychoemotional harmony. Then the computer program automatically finds music which most corresponds to VeraТs mental condition.

а- I have recollected this music, - the Vera suddenly speaks, - It is " the Dying swan", that danced Maya Plisezkaya. And at the end of music the fine swan dies...

- Yes, Vera, we really listened to the musical play "Swan" from Saint-Saens suite "the Carnival of animals". And hundred years ago ballet master Michael Fokin has created a miniature on this music and has named it" the Dying Swan". However, for you I shall open secret: actually, the swan does not die! Saint-Saens music does not comprise an image of death. Moreover, it may be played differently. Listen "Swan" in my performance on a piano. I take the same notes, but I play with other internal image and feeling, I try to assist your improvement.


(Readers can listen new performing Saint-Saens "Swan"а by Irina Miroshnik in the Internet address http://compsyther.narod.ru/fan.html)

- Well, now choose colors that you would draw, this music.

Listening to music, the Vera chooses colors. The computer psychologist analyzes her color decision and, joyfully smiling, informs about restoration of internal harmony. Then, under our request, he compares two color choices and shows on the monitor, that the level of activation of nervous system has increased on 21 %, deviation from mental norm has decreased on 28 %, the stress has decreased on 32 % (has fallen up to zero).

It is good me. What is a miracle such? - Vera asks.

-The miracle? Remember, how people revive in fairy tales: Will spray to the ill or dead person dead water, and then water of life, and the personality revives. So we also have made with you. Only instead of waterа we have taken music.

- In addition, your alive music still sounds in me as if the warm wave walks on all body. Any beautiful, strong bird sees to me. She is dancing pink flamingo or...

- It is correct, Vera, this music - a hymn to beauty and a symbol of eternal revival. Is it the Phoenix bird, may be? Listen, as Hans Hristian Andersen describes her in a fairy tale: " the Bird Phoenix! Do you not know her, these paradises bird, and a sacred swan of Hymns? "."In a paradise garden under a tree of knowledge the Bush of Roses blossomed; the bird was born in the first Rose dismissed on it; feathers of her cast strange paints, flight of her was - light, singing - marvellous harmony "." The paradise bird whom each century perishes in a flame and again revives from ashes "...


I Thank, Irina, we as if have visited on your session. However, I has question still:а what is a secret of healing by beauty?


- The secret consists in the same, what is a secret of "new"birth. Mysticism named it " the Dual bowl of life ". Experts in genetics Ц Уa principle of complementary", on which double helix model DNA is constructed and transfer of inherited properties is carried out. We name it - the Complementary Psychology (from a latin word "complementum" - addition).аа A complementary structures approach to each other as a key to the lock: everyone finds in another own addition up to the whole. As the man and the woman. Incorporating, complementary contrasts derivate УnewФ, which inherits their properties (" both that and another "). I shall notice, that on a principle of complementary which we count universal, it is constructed not only the SIM, the POC-THERAPY, double helix model DNA, interaction of hemispheres of a brain, but if to take a broad view extreme, - Harmony as a whole. The formation of Complementary Psychology, that is abilities to see in the friend not the enemy of the, and own addition up to the whole, - a key to overcoming conflicts, including political.


- Irina, where is yours methods has applied in Ukraine now?


- First of all - in sanatoria. Recently we have addressed in Welfare fund with the request to support " the Program of the psychological help to the population ". At the positive decision, each inhabitant Har'kovshchiny can take advantage of POC-THERAPY and Music Therapy in a place of work, study, rest and treatment.




[1] (The word "Belief " and female name УVeraФ in Russian and Ukrainian languages are identical on a spelling and a pronunciation)

[i]Irina Miroshnik,

Street of Academician Ljapunova, the house 11, an apartment 55

61166 Kharkov, UKRAINE

Telephoneаno: +057 702 0872

E-mail: musictherapy@zmail.ru



Irina Miroshnik is the head of the Center for POC-THERAPY, the pianist (Kharkov State University of Arts, 1982). PhD (Psychology) in Psychological Institute of the EducationТs Russian Academy (Moscow,1990). Worked as the psychologist and leading research worker in the Psychosomatic Department of Sklifosofsky Scientific Research Institute of Emergency Medicine at Moscow (1992-94). Has created (with E.Gavrilin) a methods and systems of the Personality-Oriented Computerized Psychotherapy and music-color therapy (the Russian patent for the invention and CD-ROM is awarded in Brussels EurekaТ98), has created system of psychotherapeutic interpretation of music and recorded a CD УSynergic musicФ. Has published the monograph and articles on musictherapy. Carries out author's sessions and trainings in Ukraine.


Evgeny Gavrilin

Address: Horoshevskoe highway, house 62, an apartment 74,

123007 Moscow, Russia

Telephoneаno: +495 941 3598

E-mail: psyart@ok.ru



Evgeny Gavrilin is technical director of the Center for Personality-Oriented Computerized Psychotherapy (POC-THERAPY). Worked as the head of a scientific department in the Moscow Institute of Civil AviationТs Engineers. The expert in the Automated Control Systems (PhD, 1989). Has developed (together with I.Miroshnik) system of the POC therapy and music-color therapy (the Russian patent for inventionа ╣ 2033818, 1995). The head of some projects on creation of multimedia CD ROM for psychotherapy. Has published (together with I.Miroshnik) the monograph and articles on musictherapy. Carries out author's trainings in Ukraine.

Irina Miroshnik, Evgeny Gavrilin

Modern Method of Personality-Oriented Musictherapy
Synergic Interactive Music therapy (SIM) is a modern method, which integrates the personality approach, synaesthetic art ,and new information technologies. SIMТs healing effect is shown at the three ontological levels of personality: biological, social, and spiritual.
The Sound-Color Simultaneously Representation (SCSR) technique by Miroshnik, which is the basis for SIM, will be submitted.
SIMТs basic theoretical models for the purposeful regulation of the psycho-emotional conditions (PEC) will be represented:

╖ Principle of amphi-determination of development (unlike ambivalence by E. Bleuler).
╖ Principle of harmonious complementary (unlike the dialectic contradictions).
╖ The Law of УChristeningФ of Complementary Pairs.
╖ Principle of amphoteric third (unlike Уprincipium exclusii tertiiФ).

The procedure of classification and creation of the metric-metaphorical space for synaesthetic art images will be represented.
The Quadriphase procedure of the PECТs transformation with the use of the motivational effect of informing psychometric feedback will be represented:

1. Objectification (transcription) of an actual PEC into psychometric and synaesthetic images.

2. Objectification of a desirable or required PEC.

3. Harmonious synthesis of complementary contrasts in the transitive PEC.

4. Production (birth) of the amphoteric third PEC.

Classical musicТs psychotherapeutic interpretation (Miroshnik, piano) and synaesthetic films for the SIM will be shown. Discussion is planned.


Gavrilin E, .Miroshnik I. Invention ╣279. Orientable regulation of an individualТs psycho-emotional state // "BRUSSELS EUREKA '98", 47th World Exhibition of Innovation, Research and New Technology. Official catalogue, p.180.


Miroshnik I. M. Color as stimulus of formation of the emotional responsiveness to music. In: "New researches in psychology", 1987, ╣ 1, pp. 55-58. Moscow.


Miroshnik I. M. Age dynamics of the Phenomenon of a Sound-Color Simultaneously Representation.

In:а УNew researches in psychology andа the age physiologyФ. а-1990. - ╣2.а PP. 29-33. Moscow.


Miroshnik I. & Gavrilin E. Experience of clinical application of the УTonicФ system in medical and diagnostic workФ In: Review of an All-Russian Research and Applied Science Conference on "Public Mental Health in Russia (Social and Epidemiological Aspects)," Moscow, 1994, pp. 267-269.

Miroshnik I.M., Gavrilin E.V. "Basis of the Personality Oriented Computerized
PsychotherapyФ. (Monograph), Kharkov, Rubicon, 1999.

Miroshnik I. Method of a Synergic Interactive Musictherapy (SIM). 13th AEP Congress, Munich, Germany. Poster session: Interdisciplinary II, P-06-15. In Journal: European Psychiatry, Volume 20, Supplement 1, March 2005, 223-229.

Miroshnik I. & Gavrilin E. Phenomenon of a sound-color simultaneously representation (SCSR) // Conference УTHE NEUROSCIENCES AND MUSIC IIФ (5-8 May 2005, Leipzig).POSTERS RT.4: ROUND TABLE ON MUSIC THERAPY.



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