Experience of clinical application of the УTonicФ system in medical and diagnostic work[i]

I.M.Miroshnik and E.V.Gavrilin

Sklifosofsky Research Institute of Emergency Medicine,


() All rights reserved, I.Miroshnik and E.Gavrilin, 1994

а In our article " Experience of clinical application of the УTonicФ system in medical diagnostic work ", published in 1994 in the collection " Mental health of the population of RussiaФ, some results of approbation of system of interactive video-musical therapyа "TONIC" at the Psychosomatic Department of SKLIFOSOFSKY SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF EMERGENCY MEDICINE at Moscow,Russia, as well as in private practice, were submitted.

аLet's result the basic theses of this work.

аThe psychoemothional condition of the person (PCP) is a component of structure of his functional condition and is considered by us as subjectively significant integrator of influence of internal and external factors during ability to live of the individual.а

ааааа As practice shows, the PCP, on the one hand, is the sensitive indicator disadaptations of an organism, and with another - object of psychotherapeutic influence which allows to compensate displays disadaptable syndrome. As have shown our researches, dynamics of a PCP can serve as a parameter of efficiency of rehabilitation of patients after heavy poisonings.

ааааа With the purpose of the decision of a problem of rehabilitation of patients after heavy poisonings with psychotropic preparations on resistibility stages of a poisoning the automated control system of a psychoemothional condition of the person of "TONIC" was applied. The system was applied alongside with the medicinal therapy directed on removal of displays psychoorganic of a syndrome.

The УTonikaФ (Tonic) System is an IBM PC/AT-based program complex, intendedа for the individual control and correction of a PCP. In system " the Way of the directed regulation of a PCP ", based on a technique of lumpsum musical color influence on the recipient which provides nonverbal suggestion of the certain PCP is realized. The system functions in three modes:

1.ааа аthe psychoemothional condition of the person diagnostics;

2.ааа аthe psychoemothional condition of the person аoptimization;

3.ааа data analysis and system adjustment (for "the psychologist" only).

аааааа In a mode of "adjustment" of system the doctor - psychopheraputic has an opportunity to set the script of a computer psychotherapy, which determines structure and a sequence of presentation of psychodiagnostic tests (eight-factorial test Supos 8, eight-color test by M. Lusher with an estimation of vegetative balance and a total deviation from norms), and also one of three modes of correction of a condition of the patient: removals of a psycho-physical pressure (relaxation), adjustment on the vigorous activity (mobilization) or the general harmonization of a condition (optimization). Depending on values of parameters of the diagnosed actual PCP system " Tonic " automatically chooses and reproduces the audio-visual compositions providing the maximal psychotherapeutic effect in a given mode of correction of a PCP with the help of the personal computer.

аааааа During clinical approbation the subsystem of diagnostics of a PCP was added with objective methods (Frequency of intimate reductions, Arterial pressure, Skin galvanic reaction), allowing to look after dynamics of a vegetative tone shown as sympathetic and pair - sympathetic "shifts", and also computer tests for an estimation simple sensomotoric reactions, attention (tableа of Shulte), uneasiness , " State of health, Activity, Mood " and other psychological tests.

аааааа During complex treatment of 25 patients with poisoningsа were carried out sessions of a computer psychotherapy with application of system "Tonic " (on 2 - 3 sessions in 1-3 days).аа

аааааа In result after sessions of a computer psychotherapy at patients changes of parameters of an actual PCP adequate to carried out influence, both on subjective and on objective methods of testing were observed.

аааааа In a mode of "mobilization" which was appointed the patient with expressed depressive syndrome, increases of values under factors of estimation PCP "Vigour", "Activity" on the average on 16 % c by simultaneous decrease of parameters under factors "Depression" - on 12 %, "Despondency" - on 13 % were observed. Thus shift of vegetative balance aside activation sympathetic components of vegetative nervous system was clearly fixed.

аааааа In a mode of "relaxation" which was appointed the patient with expressed a Disturbing syndrome, on the contrary, value under factors "Activity", "Impulsiveness", "Anxiety", "Uneasiness"а on the average accordingly on 10 %, 11 %, 15 %, 15 %, and on the factor "Calmness" - were increased by 17 %. Shift of parameters of vegetative balance aside activation pair sympathetic components of vegetative nervous system was simultaneously observed.

аааааа In a mode of "Optimization" which was appointed the patient both after a mode of "Mobilization", and after a mode of "Relaxation", there was a relative displacement of a parameter of vegetative balance under test LusherТs to values to simultaneous reduction of a total deviation from norms.

аааааа Also it is necessary to note, that for all modes of correction of a condition after sessions of a computer psychotherapy positive changes under the test the DIGNITY (the factor "State of health" on the average on 20 %, the factor "Mood" - on 24 %) and under test SpilbergerТs - reduction of a parameter of situational uneasiness up to "average" and "low" levels were observed.

аааааа Thus, results of clinical approbation show, that the system of a computer psychotherapy of "Tonic" can be applied alongside with the standard methods as not medicamentous means of the accelerated rehabilitation of patients with sharp psychogenic reactions at poisonings.

аааааа It is necessary to note an opportunity of application of system " Tonic "а the purpose of increase of suggestibility at realization of the psychotherapy directed on restoration of work capacity and social adaptation of patients, and also diagnostics, preventive maintenance and treatment of psychoemothional infringements.

Let's result a bright example of application of the Synergic Interactive Musictherapy in psychotherapeutic practice.

() All rights reserved, I.Miroshnik and E.Gavrilin, 1994

Irina M.Miroshnik (Ph.D.,Psychology) e-mail: pocther@ok.ru

Evgeny V.Gavrilin (Ph.D.,Technical Sciences) e-mail: psyart@ok.ru


[i] Review of an All-Russian Research and Applied Science Conference on "Public Mental Health in Russia (Social and Epidemiological Aspects)," Moscow, 1994, pp. 267-269. ISBN 5-7029-0109-6.



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