Министерство охраны здоровья Украины



Харьковская медицинская академия последипломного образования

 АО Международная медицинская академия (Харьков)

Federazione Italiana Musicoterapeuti

 (F.I.M., ITALIA, Bergamo)









2-3 октября 2003 года







2-3 октября 2003 года. 1

Дорогие коллеги!. 3

Синергическая интерактивная музыкотерапия. 4

И.М.Мирошник,  Е.В.Гаврилин.. 4

Введение. 4

Становление музыкотерапии.. 4

Парадигма синергической интерактивной музыкотерапии.. 5

Симптоматика постмодернизма. 9

Различия амфотерности и амбивалентности.. 10

Любовь как механизм синергической коммуникации.. 11

Амфотерный образ мира в трех измерениях. 12

Метод синергической интерактивной музыкотерапии.. 13

Демонстрация VCD1 с композициями из ТОНИКИ.. 13

Опыт клинического применения СИМ... 15

Демонстрация сеанса СИМ... 17

Задача музыкальной герменевтики.. 17

Демонстрация новой версии Тоники в формате Видео CD.. 18

Синергический способ интерпретации и исполнения музыки.. 21

Теория и практика музыкально-цветовой синергии.. 21


“Musictherapy of XXI CENTURY”.. 28

Dear colleagues!. 28

Professor Giulia CREMASCHI TROVESI. 28

Synergic interactive musictherapy. 29

I.M.Miroshnik, E.V.Gavrilin. 29

Introduction. 29

Becoming of a musictherapy. 29

Paradigm of a synergic interactive musictherapy. 30

Semiology of a postmodernism... 33

Distinctions of amphoteric character and ambivalence. 35

Love as the mechanism of the synergic communications. 36

Amphoteric image of the world in three measurements. 36

Method of a synergic interactive musictherapy. 37

The method of orientable regulation of psychoemothional state  of the person. 37

The psychological technique of a Simultaneous Presentation of Sound and Color Stimuluses (SPSC) 39

Demonstration VCD1 with compositions from TONICS. 40

Experience of clinical application of a SIM... 41

Demonstration of a session of a SIM... 44

Problem of musical interpretation. 44

Demonstration of the new version Tonics in a format of Video  CD... 45

Synergic a way of Hermeneutics interpretation  and performances of music. 47

The theory and practice of a music-color synergy. 47

Summary. 50

Synergic Interactive Musictherapy. 50

I.M.Miroshnik, E.V.Gavrilin. 50

The centre of PОC-THERAPY, Kharkov, 50


“Musictherapy of XXI CENTURY”. 52

Dear colleagues!. 52

Professor Giulia CREMASCHI TROVESI. 52

Synergic interactive musictherapy. 53

I.M.Miroshnik, E.V.Gavrilin. 53

Introduction. 53

Becoming of a musictherapy. 53

Paradigm of a synergic interactive musictherapy. 54

Semiology of a postmodernism... 57

Distinctions of amphoteric character and ambivalence. 59

Love as the mechanism of the synergic communications. 60

Amphoteric image of the world in three measurements. 60

Method of a synergic interactive musictherapy. 61

The method of orientable regulation of psychoemothional state  of the person. 61

The psychological technique of a Simultaneous Presentation of Sound and Color Stimuluses (SPSC) 63

Demonstration VCD1 with compositions from TONICS. 64

Experience of clinical application of a SIM... 65

Demonstration of a session of a SIM... 68

Problem of musical interpretation. 68

Demonstration of the new version Tonics in a format of Video  CD... 69

Synergic a way of Hermeneutics interpretation  and performances of music. 71

The theory and practice of a music-color synergy. 71

Summary. 74

Synergic Interactive Musictherapy. 74

I.M.Miroshnik, E.V.Gavrilin. 74


Дорогие коллеги!

Мы имеем честь сообщить Вам, что 2-3 октября 2003 года в городе Евпатория (Крым, Украина) проходил Международный Симпозиум «Музыкотерапия 21 века».

В симпозиуме приняли участие известные музыкотерапевты, врачи, психологи, преподаватели, научные работники  из Украины, России, Италии, Кубы.

В центре интереса участников симпозиума оказались научные доклады, тренинги и демонстрации видеофильмов, которые были представлены двумя известными специалистами в области музыкотерапии:

Президентом Федерации Музыкотерапевтов Италии (F.I.M.),

профессором Джулией Кремаски Тровези (Бергамо, Италия) и

иностранным членом Федерации Музыкотерапевтов Италии (F.I.M.), кандидатом психологических наук Ириной Мирошник (Москва -Харьков).


Профессор Giulia CREMASCHI TROVESI впервые в СНГ сделала доклад о своем оригинальном методе музыкотерапии. Она показала великолепные видеофильмы, которые убедительно доказали уникальные возможности ее метода для лечения детей с тяжелыми заболеваниями слуха, органов движения, центральной нервной системы.

Международный Симпозиум " Музыкотерапия 21 века" проходил в МЕЖДУНАРОДНОМ ДЕТСКОМ МЕДИЦИНСКОМ ЦЕНТРЕ "ЕВПАТОРИЯ", где  традиционно проводится медицинская и психологическая реабилитация детей из зон антропогенного загрязнения (Чернобыль). Профессор Giulia CREMASCHI TROVESI согласилась провести сеанс групповой музыкотерапии с чернобыльскими детьми. Сеанс проходил на сцене конференцзала в  присутствии заслуженного врача Украины,   главного врача Международного медицинского центра "ЕВПАТОРИЯ" Геннадия Лямкина, ведущих специалистов из различных городов Украины, России, Кубы. В сеансе  принимала участие ассистент профессора, Stefania BATTARINO (dott. Sse., Musicoterapista F.I.M., ITALIA). В сеансе участвовало одновременно пять детей от 6 до 14 лет с различными заболеваниями и один взрослый пациент. Дети не знали итальянского языка. Профессор CREMASCHI TROVESI, используя свой оригинальный метод невербальной коммуникации, сумела в течение одного часа не только установить полный контакт и взаимное понимание с детьми и взрослым, но также добилась существенных психологических и терапевтических эффектов.

Метод профессора CREMASCHI TROVESI получил высокую оценку и признание всех  присутствовавших экспертов. По общему мнению участников симпозиума  этот метод музыкотерапии представляет несомненный интерес, требует дальнейшее изучения и углубления. Группа специалистов из Украины, России, Кубы, принимавших непосредственное участие в тренинге профессора  Джулии Кремаски Тровези получили Свидетельства о  его прохождении.

Некоторая  дополнительная информация относительно  этого метода музыкотерапии может быть получена в Интернет по адресу < http: // www.musicoterapia.it/ita/musicoterapeuti/giulia/giulia2000.htm*indirizzi >


Наряду с методом профессора CREMASCHI TROVESI высокий интерес  участников Международного Симпозиума "Музыкотерапия 21 века" вызвал Метод Синергической Интерактивной Музыкотерапии, разработанный Ириной Мирошник и Евгением Гаврилиным (Украина -Россия). Авторы метода сделали развернутый научный доклад, демонстрацию  учебных видеофильмов, а затем, в конце симпозиума, Ирина Мирошник дала небольшой, но восхитительный концерт "Синергической музыки".

Для знакомства с докладом Ирины Мирошник и Евгения Гаврилина приводим его  текст на русском и английском языках.




Синергическая интерактивная музыкотерапия

И.М.Мирошник,  Е.В.Гаврилин

(С) All rights reserved, I.Miroshnik and E.Gavrilin, 2003


Становление музыкотерапии 

Способ лечения музыкальными звуками известен человечеству тысячи лет. В Китае, Египте, Древней Греции, Риме уже в первых теоретических учениях, разработанных великими философами древности (Конфуций, Пифагор, Гераклит, Платон, Аристотель, Лукреций Кар) музыка рассматривалась как вид деятельности (то есть практики) одновременно близкий к науке, ремеслу и религиозному культу.

Музыка представлялась и как модель мира, способствующая познанию его законов, и как сильнейшее магическое средство воздействия на природу, на человека (врачевание, формирование нравственных, гражданских качеств и др.).

 Однако как самостоятельная отрасль знаний  и область научно-практической деятельности музыкотерапия начала формироваться только в 19-20 веке, что, на наш взгляд, обусловлено следующими основными факторами:

1.    Формированием теории музыки.

2.    Формированием общечеловеческой музыкальной культуры, воплощенной в стилях Барокко, Классицизма, Романтизма, Импрессионизма, Экспрессионизма,  Сонористики, Техногенной музыки, New Age и пр.

3.    Развитием психологии и психотерапии.

4.    Ускорением социальных информационных процессов.

5.    Развитием технических средств записи и воспроизведения музыки. 

Во второй половине 20 века музыкотерапия начинает активно применяться в Европе, США,  Австралии, Японии и других странах мира.  Среди получивших широкую известность теоретических школ следует выделить Дж. Элвина (Великобритания), П. Нордоффа и К.Роббинса (США), Э. Лекоурта (Франция), Швабе (Германия), Джулии Кремаски Тровеси (Италия). В Англо-саксонских странах и большей части Европы сегодня преобладает теоретическая линия Alvin-Nordoff-Robbins-Cremaschi.

В последнее десятилетие на передовые позиции выходит итальянская школа музыкотерапии (профессор Giulia Cremaschi Trovesi), в которой на основе феноменологического подхода в сочетании с техниками НЛП разработаны  эффективные технологии музыкотерапии: «Dialogo Sonoro»,  «Corpo Vibrante» и др. (Мы не будем  сейчас детализировать этот замечательный метод, потому что сегодня нам представляется уникальная возможность познакомиться с ним  непосредственно в авторском изложении).

В нашем докладе основное внимание уделяется разработанному  и запатентованному нами в России оригинальному методу «Синергической  интерактивной музыкотерапии» (Мирошник, Гаврилин, 1993).[i]

Парадигма синергической интерактивной музыкотерапии

Как отмечалось выше, в культуре древних цивилизаций музыка представлялась как модель мира, способствующая познанию его законов, и как сильнейшее магическое средство воздействия на природу и на человека. Подобный подход определен  нами как синкретизм науки-религии-искусства, который был характерен для древних цивилизаций, а затем с некоторыми трансформациями был имплантирован в средневековую культуру под доминантой религии. 

Эпоха Возрождения дала первый мощный толчок, который потряс устои синкретической культуры средневековья. И огромное значение в этом прогрессивном процессе имеет искусство Италии. В музыкальной культуре – это, прежде всего, - великий Джозеффо Царлино (1517-1590), который в «Установлениях гармонии» средневековому учению о ладах противопоставил новую тональную систему с двумя основными наклонениями – мажором и минором. Мажор и минор обобщили исторически предшествующие им лады, но в тоже время явились воплощением принципиально новой ладовой организации, которая воплощала изменения происходившие в самом строе диссоциирующего человеческого  мировосприятия и  диссоциирующего мышления. В отличие от средневековых эстетиков, Царлино считал, что мир полон гармонии, и объективная гармония мира соизмерима с гармонией человеческой души. В нашей терминологии  такое ренессансное музыкальное мышление определяется как теория амфотерности мажора и минора, которая тесно связана со становлением активно-личностного мышления и самосознания человека. Отметим, что в отличие от  дисгармоничного диалектического мышления Гегеля, в гармоническом амфотерном триединстве противоположности мажора и минора являются не антагонистичными, но комплементарными, то есть взаимодополнительными. Поэтому, вопреки пророчеству Гегеля о «дисгармонии в искусстве» в  классической музыке возникает и сохраняется, как живительный родник гармоничного мышления и сознания, амфотерное единство (но не диалектическая борьба!)  взаимодополняющих противоположностей: мажора и минора, диссонансов и консонансов. Напомним, что в своей эстетической концепции Гегель полагал, что по мере развития истории гармония уступает место коллизиям, дисгармониям, антагонизмам и этот процесс является необратимым. В отличие от этой позиции Гегеля, мы полагаем, что антагонизм мыщления, порождающий соответствующие процессы в искусстве, является лишь этапом постсинкретической, «антагонистической культуры», который  закономерно сменяется этапом «эклектической культуры». На  современном этапе эклектической культуры в процессе  взамосмешения искусств, а также науки и религии, происходит синтез  и кристаллизация новой гармонической системы, основанной на принципе синергии науки-религии-искусства.  

Однако, следуя логике изложения, мы должны вернуться  в 16 век.  Итак, мажорное и минорное трезвучия явились центральными элементами двух главных ладов европейской музыки. Как известно, основа аккордики в амфотерной мажорно-минорной тональной системе – есть консонирующие трезвучия.  Именно Джозеффо Царлино дал первую теорию трезвучий (1558), назвав их «гармониями». Впоследствии трезвучие обозначалось как триада. Учитывая, что тринитарная парадигма, имеющая предпосылки в религии, искусстве и науке, рассматривается нами как транскультуральный феномен эволюции мышления и самосознания  личности человека, будет уместно вспомнить, что в 17 веке И. Липпиус (1612) и А. Веркмейстер (1686-87) полагали, что гармоническое трезвучие символизирует святую троицу.  Таким образом, с нашей точки зрения, в эпоху ренессанса в музыкульной культуре  сформировались зачатки амфи-тринитарного гармонического мышления.

В мире зазвучала божественная амфи-тринитарная гармония личности человека.

С нашей точки зрения, такое амфи-тринитарное мышление  не только явилось источником саморазвития музыки и Европейской культуры в целом, но, открыв богатую палитру средств музыкальной художественной выразительности, позволила великим гениям эпохи Возрождения осознать и выразить в своих произведениях личность как активно-творческое, целеполагающее начало, а его имманентную амфотерность, как источник  самоорганизации и развития на природном, социальном и  духовном уровнях бытия. Так в учении Царлино свершилась неосознаваемая амфитринитарная транскрипция личности в новую ладотональную систему музыкальной гармонии. Мы полагаем, что эпоха Возрождения в Италии явилась предтечей, эмбрионом будущей постиндустриальной персоналистической культуры.

Первоначальный синкретизм науки-религии-искусства посредством творческой активности сопричастных личностей – великих поэтов, художников, музыкантов, окончательно взламывается в эпоху Просвещения  и, в период 17-18 веков,  постепенно трансформируется в антагонизм, который в 19 веке обеспечивает эмансипацию искусства и науки от религии и  их самоопределение в культуре индустриального общества 20 века. Затем наступает этап синтеза (современный период плюралистического эклектизма), который, как мы полагаем,  в идеале постиндустриальной персоналистической культуры  разрешится в синергизм науки – религии - искусства. 

Слово "синергия" и  производное от него слово «синергизм» греческого происхождения (греч. synergeia ) и означает совместное действие, то есть со-действие различных сил или субъектов таким образом, что действие одного усиливает действие другого. Следовательно, когда мы говорим о синергии науки-религии-искусства в постиндустриальной персоналистической культуре, по сути мы говорим о том, что не теряя самостоятельности, эти три компоненты духовной деятельности человека взаимодополняют, взаимоопосредствуют и взаимоусиливают действие друг друга, возвышая личность до уровня гармонической троичности.  - По образу и подобию.

Этот новый подход к анализу динамики культуры (от синкретизма через антагонизм становления к синергии науки, религии, искусства) предложен нами в рамках философско-психологической теории постиндустриального персонализма (Мирошник, Гаврилин, 1996).

Синкретизм, антагонизм, эклектизм и синергизм рассматриваются нами как системообразующие принципы культуры, общественного и индивидуального бытия и сознания. Соответственно, в новой философско-психологической концепции нами выделяются четыре парадигмальных типа культур: синкретическая, антагонистическая, эклектическая и синергическая. Современный постмодернизм –  мы рассматриваем как яркое проявление умирающей, аморфной, эклектической культуры. Синергизм - есть системообразующий принцип рождающейся на наших глазах новой,  постиндустриальной персоналистической культуры.

Симптоматика постмодернизма


Напомним, что в концепции постмодернизма, которой сегодня традиционно  придается парадигмальный характер, амбивалентность является одной из ключевых психологических характеристик сознания и поведения индивидуума в социальной системе.  Так по определению известного социолога и философа Баумана, социологическая теория постмодернизма – это «осознание модернизмом самого себя» и переход к институциализированному плюрализму, многообразию, достаточной неопределенности и амбивалентности (Z. Bauman, 1992).

Известный философ Мераб Мамардашвили называл современное постмодернистское общество, в котором останавливается производство истины, игрой в зеркалах, сюреально-знаковым отражением чего-то другого. В этом обществе,  - писал Мамардашвили, - формируются «люди организованного счастья, которые даже презирать себя не могут, ибо живут в ситуации разрушенного сознания и разрушенной материи человеческого». Возникающее аномальное знаковое пространство затягивает в себя все, что с ним соприкасается. Человеческое сознание аннигилирует, и, попадая в ситуацию неопределенности, где все перемигиваются не то что двусмысленно, но многосмысленно, аннигилирует и человек: ни мужества, ни чести, ни достоинства, ни трусости, ни бесчестия. Не имеет значения, что у тебя в «сознании», лишь бы знак подавал…

В таком плюралистическом обществе формируется амбивалентный индивидуум – «человек без свойств», который описан в романе австрийского писателя Музиля. Все, что ни делай выльется в какую-то белиберду. Ищи правду или не ищи правду – все одно – пройдешь по уже заданным путям бессмыслицы. Музиль прекрасно знал, – писал Мераб Мамардашвили, - что  внутри такой ситуации действовать и мыслить невозможно – из нее важно выйти.

Мы выражаем уверенность, что общество постиндустриальной персоналистической культуры сумеет преодолеть патологическую амбивалентность современного постмодернизма. 

Отметим, что в наших работах впервые введен принцип амфотерной детерминации развития, который предназначается для описания продуктивной, гармонической  двойственности, характерной для психических процессов, состояний и свойств гармонично развивающейся личности, и, соответственно,  дифференциации этих позитивных явлений от понятий и феноменов  инволюционной, патологической  двойственности  амбивалентности  и «основанной на принципе амбивалентности теории реверсивности» (М. Аптер и др.). При этом, диалектическая триада Гегеля рассматривается нами как необходимое, но не достаточное условие формирования тринитарного мышления личности. Переход от диалектической парадигмы мышления, свойственной постсоветскому субъекту, к тринитарной осмысливается в рамках разработанной нами амфи-тринитарной синергической[ii] модели, в которой впервые сформулирован принцип амфотерной детерминации развития на трех взаимодополняющих уровнях самоорганизации сложных систем.


Свойство амфотерности (бифункциональности)  принципиально отличается от антагонизма борящихся противоположностей, равно как и от амбивалентности, и  впервые рассматривается нами как фундаментальное свойство сложных систем - источник  самоорганизации и развития. 

Амфотерность (от греч. amphoteros - «и тот и другой», двусторонний)   в теории ЛОК-терапии многогранна: необходимое-возможное; материальное-идеальное; психическое-физическое; субъективное-объективное; измерение-изменение; каузальное-телеономическое; актуальное-потенциальное; мужское-женское, понимание-объяснение, реальное-виртуальное и т.д. Такая амфи-детерминация  в широком смысле рассматривается  нами как необходимое условие  развития личности.

Различия амфотерности и амбивалентности

Для уяснения принципиальных различий между амфотерностью и амбивалентностью будет уместно сделать небольшой этимологический экскурс и вспомнить, что термин амбивалентность (от лат. ambo два, оба и  valentia сила) введен психиатром Э. Блейлером для обозначения одного из существенных признаков шизофрении[2]. «Благодаря шизофреническому дефекту ассоциационных путей становится возможным сосуществование в психике противоречий, которые, вообще говоря, исключают друг друга. Любовь и ненависть к одному и тому же лицу могут быть одинаково пламенны и не влияют друг на друга (аффективная амбивалентность). Больному в одно и то же время хочется есть и не есть; он одинаково охотно исполняет то, что хочет и чего не хочет (амбивалентность воли, двойственная тенденция — амбитенденция); он в одно и то же время думает: «Я такой же человек, как вы» и «Я не такой человек, как вы». Бог и черт, здравствуй и прощай для него равноценны и сливаются в одно понятие (интеллектуальная амбивалентность)». (E. Bleuler. Руководство по психиатрии. — Берлин, 1920, с. 312—313).

Главная черта патологической двойственности заключается в том, что независимо от условий внешней среды в поведении, мышлении высказываниях пациента наблюдаются противоречащие, конфликтующие отношения и реакции, которые сменяют друг друга немотивированно быстро.

Таким образом, как мы с вами понимаем, постмодернизм манифестирует шизофреническое мышление и, фактически,  индуцирует  его индивидуумам. Подчиняясь этому глобальному влиянию, индивидуум теряет способность критически мыслить. Попадая в ситуацию неопределенности, где «все перемигиваются не то что двусмысленно, но многосмысленно», его самосознание просто аннигилирует.

Медицинские последствия такого типа культуры очевидны.

Однако, с нашей точки зрения, в современных кризисных условиях, вопреки постмодернистским установкам, размывающим субъекта как лицо начертанное на прибрежном песке, начинает работать персоналистический закон формирования здоровья, в соответствии с которым повышение уровня самоорганизации личности приводит к повышению уровней ее физического, социального и духовного  здоровья. Другими словами, чем в большей мере индивидуум способен рефлексировать самого себя, чем более осознанным, ответственным и целенаправленным становится процесс психического самоуправления жизнедеятельностью на биологическом, социальном и духовном уровнях бытия, тем выше уровень здоровья личности, семьи, общества.


Синергическая амфитринитарная модель может стать новой философско-психологической парадигмой общественного и индивидуального бытия и сознания. В отличие от дисгармонии диалектической триады, в которой противоположности антагонистичны, синергизм амфотерного триединства обусловлен тем, что противоположности находятся в комплементарных отношениях (но не конгруэнтных, идентичных или амбивалентных). Причем, возникающая амфитринитарная транскрипция науки-искусства-религии в синергическое триединство общественного и индивидуального бытия-сознания-времени - есть процесс и результат  творческой активности личности в природно-социально-духовной жизнедеятельности.

Любовь как механизм синергической коммуникации

 Психологической основой такой личностной активности является высшая Любовь – механизм синергической коммуникации комплементарных противоположностей. В процессе синергической коммуникации  на природном, социальном и духовном уровнях индивидуального и общественного бытия и сознания осуществляется транскрипция свойств сопричастных личностей в «свое другое». 

Подчеркнем, что, в отличие от традиционной для гуманистической психологии трактовки любви как механизма идентификации противоположностей (Абрахам Маслоу), в новой философско-психологической парадигме (Мирошник, Гаврилин) любовь понимается как синергия комплементарных противоположностей, стремящихся к порождению гармоничного третьего, который становится амфотерным  - «и тем и другим», то есть их свое-образной транскрипцией. Причем, именно амфотерная детерминация развития придает межличностной коммуникации продуктивный синергический характер и является  необходимым условием формирования гармоничного тринитарного мышления и самосознания личности.

Амфотерный образ мира в трех измерениях

Психофизиологической основой такой активности является  амфотерное единство  левого и правого полушарий мозга человека, генерирующего амфотерные психические образы (субъективные-объективные, внутренние-внешние, идеальные-реальные и т.д.).

Мы полагаем, что амфитринитарная модель является основой функционирования мозга человека, который генерирует амфотерный образ объективного мира в трех измерениях.

Поясним этот тезис на простых примерах.

Известно, что на сетчатке каждого глаза создается лишь одно двумерное изображение, а так как наши глаза расположены на некотором расстоянии друг от друга, они видят мир под несколько различными углами (правее и левее центра) и посылают мозгу одновременно эту двойственную информацию в оба полушария. Но мозг из этих двух взаимодополнительных (комплементарных) изображений генерирует единый трехмерный зрительный образ мира, обеспечивая нам стереоскопическое зрение.

Аналогично обстоят дела и в области слуха. Правое и левое ухо проводят в мозг одновременно несколько различную информацию, так как ушные раковины имеют различную локолизацию в пространстве. Но мозг интегрирует два слуховых образа и воспроизводит для нас стереофонический звуковой мир в трех измерениях.

Это  простые примеры функционирования амфотерного мозга, генерирующего образ мира в трех измерениях, фактически раскрывают нам одно из проявлений универсального принципа функционирования и развития сложных систем, который мы определяем как амфи-тринитарную синергическую модель.

Но если в процессах восприятия  элементарной информации мозг отрабатывает амфитринитарную модель независимо от субъекта, то на более высоких уровнях семантического анализа информации, для  восстановления адекватной работы мозга требуются специальные тренинговые и терапевтические технологии.

Метод синергической интерактивной музыкотерапии

 Как показала наша практика, синергическая коммуникация комплементарных полушарий мозга  может восстанавливаться с помощью  новейших психотехнологий, основанных на комплексном взаимодействии искусств (синестетика), наукоемких технологий (мультимедиа),  духовных практик (инициация).

Конкретным примером такой новейшей психотехнологии является Личностно-ориентированная компьютеризированная психотерапия (ЛОК-терапия) Мирошник, Гаврилина, важнейший компонент которой - синергическая интерактивная музыкотерапия (СИМ).


По сути, СИМ  это – транскультуральная гуманитарная практика - компонент новой персоналистической культуры - ее часть, комплементарная целому.


Обратимся к истории возникновения этого метода.

Впервые метод синергической интерактивной музыкотерапии (СИМ) был разработан и запатентован в РФ как «Способ направленной регуляции психоэмоционального состояния человека» (Мирошник, Гаврилин, 1993)[iii].

Важно отметить, что не только  способ  направленной  регуляции психоэмоционального состояния человека, но и описанные  нами  экспериментальные методики (звуко-цветового симультанирования,  образ движения (перцептограммы), симультанный художественный образ) были апробировали в клинике и могут эффективно применяться в  целях психотерапии, психогигиены, психопрофилактики, психокоррекции.

    Музыка и автоматически генерируемый на ее основе видеоряд воспроизводились с помощью персональной ЭВМ, для чего в 1991 году (т.е. задолго до появления аналогичных  программ на базе технологии мультимедиа) был специально разработан программный видеомузыкальный синтезатор.

Демонстрация VCD1 с композициями из ТОНИКИ

Сейчас мы продемонструрируем видеозапись цвето-музыкальных  динамических композиций, с помощью которых осуществлялась коррекция психоэмоционального сосотояния. Эти композиции автоматически генерировались компьютером по специальному алгоритму. Заметим, что эта программа была написана для персонального компьютера IBM PC AT в 1990-1992 годах, то есть тогда, когда весь современный арсенал мультимедиа еще не существовал в природе. В то время на  персональном компьютере не было  ни звуковых плат, ни мощных видеоплат с графическими ускорителями.   «Windows» был еще в диковинку, и Билл Гейтс еще не стал одним из самых богатых людей планеты, а  был всего лишь очень талантливым программистом и  бизнесменом.  Персональные компьютеры в то время  практически не применялись для работы с графикой и музыкой. Однако, несмотря на техническое несовершенство, принципы, заложенные в «способе  направленной  регуляции психоэмоционального состояния»  позволяли добиваться уникальных результатов в реабилитации больных наркоманией, алкоголизмом, больных психиатрического и психосоматического профиля.


(Идет Демонстрация VCD1 с композициями из ТОНИКИ )


Итак, этот способ был реализован нами в первой компьютерной системе интерактивной видео-музыкальной терапии «ТОНИКА» и апробирован в Московском НИИ СП им. Склифосовского (1992-1994). Его отличительные особенности:

·        Наличие системы классификации, с  помощью которой   структурируется пространство психических состояний и свойств личности и создается его отображение (транскрипция) в пространство разнохарактерных художественных образов.

·        автоматизированная подстройка музыко-цвето-динамических (видеомузыкальных) композиций к актуальному и желаемому психоэмоциональным состояниям пациента (транскрипция состояний и свойств личности в художественные образы); 

·        изменение состояния в заданном направлении с помощью видеомузыкальных программ (трансляция комплементарных субъекту аудио-визуальных образов); 

·        кроссмодальная обратная связь, информирующая пациента об изменениях, происходящих в процессе музыкотерапии, с использованием различных репрезентативных систем (репликация состояний и свойств).


Именно разработанный нами метод позволил в дальнейшем с помощью психологических тестов объективировать в системе ЛОК-терапии различные психические состояния и свойства личности, включая темпераментальные, характерологические и т.д.) и осуществить их транскрипции в разнохарактерные  и полимодальные художественные образы (музыкальные, цветодинамические, литературно-поэтические, драматургические, живописные и т.д.).  Причем, результаты психологического тестирования  воздействия художественных образов на психические состояния и свойства личности были варифицированы  и по объективным показателям.

Опыт клинического применения СИМ

В нашей статье «Опыт клинического применения системы Тоника в лечебно-диагностической работе, опубликованной в 1994 году в сборнике «Психическое здоровье населения России», были представлены некоторые результаты апробации  системы интерактивной видео-музыкальной терапии «ТОНИКА» в Московском НИИ СП им. Склифосовского.

 Приведем основные тезисы этой работы.


Психоэмоциональное состояние человека (ПСЧ) является компонентом структуры его функционального состояния и рассматривается нами как субьективно значимый интегратор воздействия экзогенных и эндогенных факторов в процессе жизнедеятельности индивида. 

      Как показывает практика, ПСЧ, с одной стороны, является  чувствительным индикатором дезадаптации организма, а с другой - обьектом психотерапевтического воздействия, которое позволяет компенсировать проявления дезадаптационного синдрома. Как показали  наши исследования, динамика ПСЧ может служить показателем эффективности реабилитации больных после тяжелых отравлений.

      С целью решения задачи реабилитации больных после тяжелых отравлений психотропными препаратами на резидуальной стадии отравления была применена автоматизированная система управления психоэмоциональным состоянием человека "ТОНИКА". Система применялась наряду с лекарственной терапией, направленной на снятие проявлений психоорганического и астенического синдромов.

       Система  "ТОНИКА"  пpедставляет  собой  пpогpаммно-технический комплекс, pеализованный на базе ПЭВМ IBM PC/AT и пpедназначенный для индивидуального контроля и коррекции ПСЧ. В системе реализован "Способ направленной регуляции ПСЧ", основанный на методике единовременного музыкально-цветового воздействия на реципиента , которое обеспечивает невербальную суггестию определенного ПСЧ.

       Система функциониpует в тpех pежимах: диагностики ПСЧ, коррекции ПСЧ, анализа данных и настpойки системы.

       В режиме "настройки" системы врач-психотерапевт имеет возможность задать сценарий компьютерной психотерапии, который определяет состав и последовательность предъявления диагностических тестов (восьмифакторный тест Супос 8, восьмицветовой тест Люшера с оценкой вегетативного баланса и суммарного отклонения от аутогенной нормы), а также один из трех режимов коррекции состояния пациента: снятия психо-физического напряжения (релаксации), настроя на активную деятельность (мобилизации) или общей гармонизации состояния (оптимизации). В зависимости от значений параметров диагностированного актуального ПС система "Тоника" автоматически выбирает и воспроизводит с помощью ПЭВМ аудио-визуальные композиции, обеспечиваюшие максимальный психотерапевтический эффект в заданном режиме коррекции ПСЧ.

       В процессе клинической апробации подсистема диагностики ПСЧ была дополнена объективными методами (ЧСС, АД, КГР), позволяющими проследить динамику вегетативного тонуса, проявляющуюся как симпатическими так и парасимпатическими "сдвигами", а также компьютерными тестами для оценки простых сенсомоторных реакций, внимания (таблицы Шульте), тревожности (тест Спилбергера), САН (самочувствие, активность, настроение) и другими психодиагностическими тестами.

       В ходе комплексного лечения 25 больных с отравлениями психотропными препаратами на резидуальной стадии отравления были  проведены сеансы компьютерной психотерапии с применением системы "Тоника" ( по 2 - 3 сеанса через 1-3 дня).  

       В результате  после сеансов компьютерной психотерапии у больных наблюдались адекватные проведенному воздействию изменения показателей актуального ПС, как по субьективным так и по обьективным методам тестирования.

       В режиме "мобилизации", который назначался больным с выраженным трофотропным синдромом, наблюдались увеличения значений по факторам оценки ПС "Энергичность", "Активность" в среднем на 16% c одновременным снижением показателей по факторам "Подавленность" - на 12%, " Удрученность" - на 13%. При этом отчетливо фиксировался сдвиг вегетативного баланса в сторону активации   симпатической компоненты вегетативной нервной системы.

       В режиме "релаксации",который назначался больным с выраженным эрготропным синдромом, напротив, значения по факторам "Активность", "Импульсивность", "Беспокойство", "Тревожность"  cнижались в среднем соответственно на 10%, 11%, 15% ,15%, а по фактору "Спокойствие" - увеличивались на 17% . Одновременно наблюдался сдвиг показателей вегетативного баланса в сторону активации парасимпатической компоненты вегетативной нервной системы.

       В режиме "Оптимизации", который назначался больным как после режима "Мобилизации", так и после режима "Релаксации", происходило относительное смещение показателя вегетативного баланса по тесту Люшера к "cредним" значениям с одновременным уменьшением суммарного отклонения от аутогенной нормы.

       Необходимо также отметить, что для всех режимов коррекции состояния после сеансов компьютерной психотерапии наблюдались позитивные изменения по тесту САН ( фактор "Самочувствие" в среднем на 20%, фактор "Настроение" - на 24%) и по тесту Спилбергера - уменьшение показателя ситуативной тревожности до "среднего" и "низкого" уровней.

       Таким образом, результаты клинической апробации показывают, что система компьютерной психотерапии "Тоника" может применяться наряду с общепринятыми методами в качестве немедикаментозного средства ускоренной реабилитации больных с острыми психогенными реакциями при экзогенных отравлениях.

       Следует отметить возможность применения системы "Тоника" c целью повышения гипнабельности  при проведении психотерапии, направленной на восстановление трудоспособности и социальной адаптации больных, а также диагностики, профилактики и лечения психоэмоциональных нарушений.

Приведем наглядный пример применения Синергической Интерактивной Музыкотерапии в психотерапевтической практике.

Демонстрация сеанса СИМ   

В психотерапевтической практике часто встречаются случаи,  когда в результате психоэмоциональной дезадаптации у пациента наблюдаются выраженные аффективные  нарушения,  которые  могут  проявляться в форме глубокой депрессии или высокой тревожности.

   В этих случаях можно эффективно применять предложенный  способ направленной регуляции психоэмоционального состояния. Причем, если в психоэмоциональном состоянии пациента преобладают депрессивные компоненты, рекомендуется регуляция состояния  в  направлении психической мобилизации, т.е. последовательный перевод в  состояние, характеризующееся высокой энергичностью,  активностью,  уверенностью в своих силах и т.д.

   В случае преобладания компонентов тревожного аффекта целесообразным является постепенный перевод пациента в  состоянии  приятной  успокаивающей  релаксации,  которое  характеризуется  низким уровнем беспокойства и тревожности при среднем уровне энергичности и низком уровне психической активности.

Рассмотрим конкретный пример.

    Демонстрация ВИДЕОФИЛЬМА ПРОДОЛЖИТЕЛЬНОСТЬЮ 1 ЧАС 10 минут.         

Задача музыкальной герменевтики

«Здравствуй Бог – говорит Бах.

Здравствуй Бах – говорит Бог»...

 Из песни Александра Галича



В качестве музыкотерапевтического материала  в системе «ТОНИКА» применялись разнохарактерные музыкальные композиции на темы 48 прелюдий и фуг, вошедших в Хорошо Темперированный Клавир  (ХТК) И.С.Баха.

По мере совершенствования технологии «Мультимедиа» совершенствовались музыкальные композиции и их транскрипции в цветодинамические образы.

Сначала мы заменили простейший синтезатор звука на более современный. При этом была реализована идея амфотерности мужского и женского начала в абсолютном. За этой метафорой скрывается тот факт, что в новой версии системы «Тоника» использована оригинальная темброво-ритмическая интерпретация ХТК Баха.

Демонстрация новой версии Тоники в формате Видео CD

Сегодня мы продемонстрируем  новую версию системы Тоника в видеозаписи, произведенной  непосредственно с  персонального компьютера на видеомагнитофон, а затем оцифрованной в формате Видео CD.

Как вы слышите в этой  записи Прелюдии и Фуги Баха исполняются хором мужских и женских голосов. Это тембровое решение является одной из конкретных реализаций  предложенного нами принципа амфотерности. Причем именно это тембровое решение позволяет добиться особой выразительности исполнения и, соответственно силы терапевтического воздействия. Профессионалы понимают, что такая интерпретация – результат  творческой, но длительной и кропотливой работы. 

Соответственно изменились и зрительный ряд. И, хотя в этой записи мы не сможем в полном объеме насладится великолепной игрой цветодинамических образов, мы видим, что применение современных компьютерных технологий анимации и  трехмерной графики, позволяет существенно повысить выразительную мощность и силу  терапевтического воздействия видеомузыкальных композиций.


При этом, собственно технология направленной музыкотерапии  в своей основе остается неизменной с 1992 года.


Как мы уже отмечали, для ее реализации была разработана система классификации психических состояний и свойств и с ее помощью было построено пространство психических состояний и свойств личности и его отображение в пространство разнохарактерных художественных образов, в качестве которых использовались 96 музыкальных произведений из ХТК И.С.Баха.  Причем, результаты психологического тестирования  воздействия  музыкальных художественных образов на психические состояния и свойства личности были варифицированы по объективным показателям.

Наши  многолетние клинико-экспериментальные исследования показали, что ХТК Баха обладает поистине безграничным терапевтическим потенциалом и для души, и для тела человека.

Поэтому мы полностью согласны с мнением некоторых искусствоведов о том, что ХТК – это совершенная музыкальная модель, стоящая на уровне божественного миротворения с заложенным в ней бесконечным потенциалом к развитию каждого из ее компонентов. Но этим мнением мы не ограничиваемся.

Сегодня важно понимать, что в условиях экспансии постмодернизма, эклектической массовой культуры, с выраженной симптоматикой амбивалентного мышления,  размывающего как лицо начертанное на прибрежном песке не только субъекта, но и личностные смыслы человеческих слов, музыка, музыкальный язык начинает выполняет ту же функцию, что и слово Божие. Поэтому, возможно, Третий завет приходит  к нам не в слове, а в музыке.

Конечно с известной долей метафоричности, мы  можем рассматривать ХТК Баха именно как третий завет, обращенный к человечеству. С этой точки зрения Иоган Себастьян Бах – пророк, которому было явлено откровение Святого Духа, выраженное в музыкальной форме.

ХТК Баха – Бог внутри нас. То что чувствует и осознает человек, слушая музыку ХТК и есть слово Божие третьего завета, слово идущее изнутри, а не снаружи, слово обращенное индивидуально к каждому человеку, на его собственном языке личностных понятий и смыслов.

ХТК – Бог звучащий в тебе, Бог звучащий во внутреннем Храме Вашей души.

В музыке Баха человеческое и божественное находятся в синергии – комплементарном единстве, она формирует личностное тринитарное мышление, обладающее свойством амфотерности, по образу и подобию.

С развиваемой нами точки зрения, великие композиторы – пророки Святого Духа, Духа Истины, что в нас пребывает и во век будет.

Задача музыкантов и музыкотерапевтов  герменевтическая интерпретация  классических музыкальных произведений с целью раскрытия слушателю их сакрального смысла. Исполнитель (как интерпретатор «Святого писания») сотворчествует композитору и выражает скрытое,  полисмысловое содержание музыки на интонационном и ритмическом языке своей эпохи. Исполнитель (как интерпретатор «Святого текста») творит вместе с  композитором и выражает скрытое,  полисмысловое содержание музыки на интонационном и ритмическом языке своей эпохи. Тем самым, мы определяем задачу музыкальной  герменевтики (Hermeneutics)   одновременно и в смысле Gadamer, и в смысле W.Dilthey. То есть интерпретатор должен с одной стороны проникать в элементы исторического времени, в которое было создано музыкальное произведение,  а, с другой стороны - он должен выражать постигаемые смыслы на интонационном языке своей эпохи. В ином случае, он останется не понятым современниками. А его исполнение будет интересно и понятно только узкому кругу профессионалов. На наш взгляд, только такая амфотерная герменевтика может стать ключем к постижению и раскрытию сакрального смысла музыки.

Причем, в процессе СИМ не только исполнитель, но и слушатель активно сотворчествует композитору. Возникает триединая система: композитор - музыкант - слушатель.  И в этом синергическом процессе слушателю открывается слово Божие, звучащее в нем самом.  И он слышит Дух Истины, в нем пребывающий.

Особая роль в синергической интерактивной музыкотерапии отводится транскрипции музыки в зрительный цветодинамический образ. Зрительный, цветовой динамический образ, соответствующий эмоциональному характеру музыкального произведения, выполняет в синергической интерактивной музыкотерапии функцию катализатора непосредственной эмоционально-эстетической реакции на музыку и позволяет слушателю в сакральной графике мотивов увидеть скрытую семантику третьего завета, закодированную в музыке Баха и гениальных творениях великих композиторов классицизма, романтизма и импрессионизма.

Синергический способ интерпретации и исполнения музыки

В конце 90-х годов метод синергической интерактивной музыкотерапии был дополнен предложенным И.М.Мирошник синергическим способом интерпретации и исполнения музыки. В соответствии с этим способом,  новаторская интерпретация  музыкальных произведений осуществляется с учетом закономерностей гармоничной смены фазовых состояний в сложных колебательных системах (по закону фазогенеза), а специально разработанная фортепьянная исполнительская техника обеспечивает раскрытие глубинного кода музыки слушателям, в результате чего музыка   становится для слушателей не внешним звуковым фоном, а синергическим процессом,  обеспечивающим  эффективное самоуправление и саморазвитие личности на психобиологическом, психосоциальном и психодуховном уровнях бытия, сознания, деятельности.

ДЕМОНСТАЦИЯ (CD «Альбом синергической музыки», 1998)[iv].

Теория и практика музыкально-цветовой синергии

Синергический художественный образ обладает уникальным свойством вызывать синтез амфотерных психических соединений (субъективного-объективного, идеального-реального, внутреннего-внешнего, каузального-телеономического), осуществляемый в триединстве слуховых, кинестетических и зрительных представлений (амфитринитарная синергическая модель).

Психофизиологической основой такого синтеза, с нашей точки зрения,  является  амфотерное (бифункционалъное) единство  левого и правого полушарий мозга человека. 

Мы полагаем, что синергическое взаимодействие комплементарных полушарий мозга может инициироваться с помощью  новейших психотехнологий, основанных на синергии искусств (синестетика), наукоемких технологий (мультимедиа),  духовных практик (инициация).  Конкретным примером такой  технологии является Личностно-ориентированная компьютеризированная психотерапия (ЛОК-терапия) и ее важнейший компонент - синергическая интерактивная музыкотерапия .

В теории ЛОК-терапии  мы рассматриваем  СИМ не только как  метод лечения, но и как транскультуральную гуманитарную практику, направленную на гармонизацию личности человека в триединстве ее биологического, социального и духовного бытия-сознания-времени.

Мы полагаем также, что амфитринитарная парадигма (бифункциональная троичность) лежит в основе теории музыки  и находит свое воплощение в основных гармонических интервалах (октава, квинта, кварта), мажорных и минорных гармонических трезвучиях (тоника, субдоминанта, доминанта), связанных квинтовым родством.

Как мы уже отмечали, в  СИМ осуществляется транскрипция мажорных и минорных гармонических трезвучий в цветовые динамические образы. Эта транскрипция основывается на открытом нами принципе комплементарных отношений музыкальных и цветовых интервалов, то есть соответствии  интервала квинты и дополнительных цветов. Нами экспериментально (с помощью методики звуко-цветового симультанирования) выявлено соответствие двенадцати ступеней музыкального и цветового строя. Выявленная закономерность позволила привести в соответствие кварто-квинтовый круг из 12 мажорных и минорных тональностей  и круг дополнительных цветов (а также зодиакальный круг из 12 созвездий). Транскрипция отношений интервала квинты в отношения дополнительных цветов явилась своеобразной метрикой для установления синергии музыки и цвета, то есть для создания матрицы музыкально-цветовой гармонии. В итоге ее репликации формируются два комплементарных круга: дополнительных цветов и музыкальных тональностей, расположенных по степени гармонического родства, что принципиально отличается от традиционных моделей древнеиндийской и китайской натурфилософий, пифагорейской, неоплатонической  а также западноевропейской философий.

Таким образом, теории музыкальной и цветовой гармонии становятся комплементарными и возникает единая теория музыкально-цветовой синергии. Поэтому специально организованная (синергическая) видеомузыка рассматривается в ЛОК-терапии не только как средство направленной  саморегуляции, но и как  духовная практика, обеспечивающая развитие гармонического тринитарного мышления и самосознания личности.

Синергический видео-музыкальный художественный образ обладает уникальным свойством вызывать синтез амфотерных психических соединений (субъективного-объективного, идеального-реального, внутреннего-внешнего, каузального-телеономического), осуществляемый в триединстве слуховых, кинестетических и зрительных представлений (амфитринитарная синергическая модель). Поэтому  в единстве с информационными технологиями (causae ministeriales) синергическая музыка создает в процессе ЛОК-терапии мощные энергетические потоки (causae efficiens), выполняющие важную роль в терапии и самоосуществлении личности (causa finalis). 

Показания к применению  СИМ широки: заболевания нервной системы, сердечно-сосудистой системы, желудочно-кишечного тракта, снижение иммунитета и пр. Синергическая музыкотерапия может применяться в комплексе ЛОК-терапии и сочетанно с физиотерапией  и др. методами лечения, как в индивидуальной, так и в групповой формах.

Таким образом, СИМ открывает принципиально новые возможности для медицины,  развития творческих способностей, гармонизации мышления и самосознания личности в условиях становления новой постиндустриальной  синергической культуры третьего тысячелетия.


The Kharkov medical academy

 Joint-stock company the International medical academy (Kharkov)

Federazione Italiana Musicoterapeuti

 (F.I.M., ITALIA, Bergamo)



“Musictherapy of XXI CENTURY”


Dear colleagues!

We have honour to inform you that 2 –3, October, 2003  in city Evpatoria (Crimea, Ukraine) was held the International Symposium " the Musictherapy of  21 centuries ".

Known musical therapists, doctors, psychologists, teachers and other experts from Ukraine, Russia, Italy, Cuba have taken part in a symposium.

Participants of a symposium special interest was caused with scientific reports, trainings and demonstrations of the videofilms, prepared by two known experts in the field of a musictherapy:

President Federazione Italiana Musicoterapeuti (F.I.M).

 proff. Giulia CREMASCHI TROVESI, Bergamo, ITALIA

And foreign member F.I.M., Irina MIROSHNIK, Ph. D. (Kharkov).



for the first time in Ukraine and Russia has told about the original method of a musictherapy. She has shown magnificent videofilms which have convincingly proved unique opportunities of her method for treatment of children with very heavy diseases of hearing, bodies of movement, central nervous system.

The international Symposium " the Musictherapy of 21 centuries " passed in the INTERNATIONAL CHILDREN'S MEDICAL CENTRE "EVPATORIA" where medical and psychological rehabilitation of children from zones of anthropogenous pollution (Chernobyl) is traditionally carried out. Professor TROVESI has agreed to carry out a session of a musictherapy with children from Chernobyl. The session passed on a stage of a conference room at the presence of the deserved doctor of Ukraine, the director the INTERNATIONAL CHILDREN'S MEDICAL CENTRE "EVPATORIA" Gennady Ljamkin, leading experts from various cities of Ukraine, Russia, Cuba. In a session took part the assistant of professor, Stefania BATTARINO (dott. Sse., Musicoterapista F.I.M., Cagliari, ITALIA). In a session participated simultaneously five children of different age (from 6 till 14 years), suffering hearing disorder, sight and other diseases, one adult. Children did not know the Italian language. Professor Giulia CREMASCHI TROVESI, using the original method of the nonverbal communications, has managed for one hour not only to come into full contact and mutual understanding with children and adults, but also has received appreciable psychological and therapeutic effects.

The method of professor Giulia CREMASCHI TROVESI has received a high estimation and a recognition of all experts. In the general opinion of participants of a symposium the method of professor Giulia CREMASCHI TROVESI represents doubtless interest, demands the further studying and a deepening. Some information on a method of a musictherapy of professor Giulia CREMASCHI TROVESI can be received in the Internet to the address



Alongside with a method of professor Giulia CREMASCHI TROVESI high interest and support of participants of the International Symposium " the Musictherapy of 21 centuries " was caused with the method of a synergic Interactive Musictherapy developed by Irina Miroshnik and Evgeny Gavrilin (Ukraine - Russia). Authors of a method have given the developed scientific report, demonstration of educational videofilms, and then, in end of a symposium, Irina Miroshnik has given small, but a delightful concert “Synergic music”.

For acquaintance with Irina Miroshnik's and Evgeny Gavrilin’s report its translation into the English language is offered.




Synergic interactive musictherapy

I.M.Miroshnik, E.V.Gavrilin

The centre of POC-THERAPY А/О IМА, Kharkov,

Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Science, Moscow

(С) All rights reserved, I.Miroshnik and E.Gavrilin, 1983-2003

Irina M.Miroshnik (Ph.D.,Psychology) e-mail: pocther@ok.ru

Evgeny V.Gavrilin (Ph.D.,Technical Sciences) e-mail: psyart@ok.ru


Becoming of a musictherapy 

The way of treatment is known for musical sounds to mankind of thousand years. In China, Egypt, Ancient Greece, Rome already in the first theoretical doctrines developed by great philosophers of an antiquity music it was considered as a kind of activity (that is practice) simultaneously close to a science, craft and a religious cult.

Music was represented and as the model of the world promoting knowledge of its laws, and as the strongest magic means of influence for a nature, for the person (doctoring, formation of moral, civil qualities etc.).

 However as the independent branch of knowledge and area of scientific - practical activities a musictherapy began to be formed only in 19-20 century, that, in our opinion, is caused by the following major factors:

1.  Formation of the theory of music.

2.  Formation of the universal musical culture embodied in styles of the Baroque, the Classicism, Romanticism, Impressionism, New Age and so forth.

3.  Development of psychology and a psychotherapy.

4.  Acceleration of social information processes.

5.  Development of means of record and reproduction of music. 

In second half of 20 centuries the musictherapy actively starts to be applied in Europe, USA, Australia, Japan and other countries of the world. Among the theoretical schools which have received wide popularity it is necessary to allocate Juliette Alvin in Great Britain, Paul Nordoff and Clive Robbins in the United States, Shvabe  in Germany, Julia Cremaschi Trovesi in Italy. In the Anglo-Saxon countries and the most part of Europe theoretical line Alvin-Nordoff-Robbins-Cremaschi today prevails.

Last decade on advanced positions the Italian school of a musictherapy (professor Giulia Cremaschi Trovesi) in which on the basis of the phenomenological approach effective technologies of a musictherapy are developed leaves: "Dialogo Sonoro", "Corpo Vibrante " etc. (we shall not detail now this method because today the unique opportunity to get acquainted with it directly in an author's statement is represented to us).

In our report the basic attention is given developed and patented by us in Russia to an original method of "the Synergic interactive musictherapy".

Paradigm of a synergic interactive musictherapy


As it was marked above, in culture of ancient civilizations music was represented as the model of the world promoting knowledge of its laws, and as the strongest magic means of influence for a nature and for the person. The similar approach is determined by us as syncretism, that is indivisibility of a science of religion of art which was characteristic for ancient civilizations, and then with some transformations was transferred in medieval culture under a dominant of religion. 

Renaissance has given the first powerful push which has shaken foundations of syncretic culture of Middle Ages. And huge value in this progressive process has art of Italy. In musical culture is, first of all, - great D. Zarlino (1517-1590) which in " Establishments of harmony " about modes has opposed the medieval doctrine new system with two basic inclinations - a major and a minor. The major and a minor have generalized historically previous to them modes, but in too time were an embodiment essentially new modes the organizations which embodied changes happened in the most human perception of the world. As against medieval experts in an aesthetics, Zarlino thought, that the world is full of harmony, and objective harmony of the world is commensurable with harmony of human soul. In our terminology such Renaissance musical thinking is defined as the theory of amphoteric character of a major and a minor which is closely connected to becoming active - personal thinking and consciousness of the person. We shall note, that as against disharmonious dialectic thinking of Hegel, in a harmonious amphoteric trinity of contrast of a major and a minor are not antagonistic, but complementary. Therefore, contrary to prophecy of Hegel about " disharmonies in art " in classical music arises and it is kept, as a vivifying spring of harmonious thinking and consciousness, amphoteric unity (but not dialectic struggle!) Complementary contrasts: a major and a minor, discords and concords. We shall remind, that in the aesthetic concept Hegel believed, that in process of development of a history harmony gives up the place to collisions, to disharmonies, antagonisms and this process is irreversible. As against this position , we believe, that the antagonism of thinking inducing the appropriate processes in art, is only a stage postsyncretic, " antagonistic culture " which is naturally replaced by a stage of "eclectic culture ". At the present stage of eclectic culture during mutual mixing arts, and also a science and religion, there is a synthesis and crystallization of the new harmonious system based on a principle of a synergy of a science - religions - arts.  

However, following logic of a statement, we should return to 16 century. So, major and minor triads were the central elements of two main modes of the European music. As is known, the basis of the organization of chords in amphoteric major - minor  musical system - is concords triads. Zarlino has given the first theory of triads (1558), having named their "harmonies". Subsequently they it was designated as a triad. Taking into account, that the trinitarian paradigm having the preconditions in religion, art and a science, is considered by us as a trance - a cultural phenomenon of evolution of thinking and consciousness of the person, it will be pertinent to recollect, that I.Lippius (1612) and A.Verkmejster (1686-87) believed in 17 century, that the harmonious triad symbolizes a sacred Trinity. Thus, from our point of view, in epoch of the Renaissance in musical culture rudiments of ampthitrinitarian harmonious thinking were generated.

In the world divine ampthitrinitarian harmony of the personality has begun to sound.

From our point of view, such ampthitrinitarian thinking not only was a source of self-development of music and the European culture as a whole, but, having opened a rich palette of means of musical art expressiveness, has allowed great geniuses of Renaissance to realize and express in the products the personality as the active - creative, target beginning, and his amphoteric character, as a source of self-organizing and development at natural, social and spiritual levels of life. So in doctrine Zarlino the ampthitrinitarian transcription of the person in new system of tonalities and musical harmony has involuntarily come to pass. We believe, that Renaissance in Italy was preleaks of the future postindustrial personalistic culture.

Initial syncretism of sciences - religion - arts by means of creative activity of copresent persons - great poets, artists, musicians, it is finally broken open in epoch of Education and, during 17-18 centuries, it is gradually transformed to antagonism which in 19 century provides emancipation of art and a science from religion and their self-determination in culture of an industrial society of 20 centuries. Then there comes a stage of synthesis (the modern period of pluralistic eclecticism) which as we believe, in an ideal of postindustrial personalistic culture will be resolved in a synergizm of a science - religions - arts. 

The word "synergy" and word derivative of it "synergism" of the Greek origin (from the Greek word synergeia) also means joint action, that is assistance of various forces or subjects in such a manner that action of one strengthens action of another. Hence, when we speak about a synergy of a science - religion - arts in postindustrial personalistic culture, as a matter of fact we speak that not losing independence, these three components of spiritual activity of the person mutually supplement, is mutually strengthen action each other, ennobling the person up to a level of a harmonious Trinity. - On an image and similarity.

This new approach to the analysis of dynamics of culture (from syncretism through antagonism of becoming to a synergy of a science, religion, art) is offered by us within the framework of  the philosophical-psychological theory of a postindustrial personalizm (I.Miroshnik, E.Gavrilin, 1996).

The Syncretism, antagonism, eclecticism and a synergism are considered by us as forming principles of culture, public and individual life and consciousness. Accordingly, in the new philosophical - psychological concept we allocate four types of cultures: syncretic, antagonistic, eclectic and synergic. We consider a modern postmodernism as bright display of dying, amorphous, eclectic culture. The synergism - is a principle of new postindustrial personalistic culture, forming on our eyes.

Semiology of a postmodernism


Let's remind, that in the concept of a postmodernism to which character of a paradigm today is traditionally given, ambivalence is one of key psychological characteristics of consciousness and behaviour of an individual in social system. So by definition of the known sociologist and philosopher Bauman, the sociological theory of a postmodernism is " self-comprehension of the  modernism " and transition to general pluralism, variety, sufficient uncertainty and ambivalence (Z. Bauman, 1992).

Known philosopher Merab Mamardashvili named a modern postmodernist  society the game in mirrors, unreal sign reflection of something of another. In this society, - wrote M.Mamardashvili, - people of the organized happiness, which can not even despise itself, are formed. They live in a situation of the destroyed consciousness and the destroyed matter human".

The arising abnormal sign space tightens in itself everything, that to it adjoins. The human consciousness breaks up, and, getting in a situation of uncertainty where everyone exchange winks not that that ambiguously, but multiple-valued, the person breaks up also: neither courage, nor honour, neither advantage, nor cowardice, disgrace. Has no value, that at you in "consciousness" if only the mark submitted …

In such pluralistic society the ambivalent individual - " the person without properties " which is described in the novel of Austrian writer Muzil is formed. Everything, that do it will be poured out in any rubbish. Search for the truth or do not search for the truth - all one - you will go on already given ways of nonsense. Muzil' perfectly knew, - wrote M.Mamardashvili, - that inside such situation to operate and think it is impossible - from it important to leave.

We express confidence, that the society of postindustrial personalistic culture will manage to overcome pathological ambivalence of a modern postmodernism. 

Let's note, that in our works the principle of amphoteric determination of development which intends for the description of a productive, harmonious duality, characteristic for mental processes, conditions and properties of harmoniously developing person, and, accordingly, differentiation of these positive phenomena from concepts and phenomena of recourse, a pathological duality - ambivalences for the first time is entered. Thus, dialectic Hegel’s triad  is considered by us as necessary, but not a sufficient condition of formation of trinitarian thinking of the person. Transition from the dialectic paradigm of thinking peculiar to the postSoviet subject, to trinitarian is comprehended within the framework of the ampthitrinitarian synergic model developed by us in which the principle of amphoteric determination of development at three mutually supplementing levels of self-organizing of complex systems for the first time is formulated.


Property of amphoteric (bifunctionl) essentially differs from antagonism, no less than from ambivalence, and for the first time is considered by us as fundamental property of complex systems - a source of self-organizing and development. 

Amphoteric character (from the Greek word amphoteros - " both that and another ", bilateral) in the theory of a POC-THERAPY is many-sided: necessary - possible; material - ideal; mental - physical; subjective - objective; measurement - change; causal - teleologic; actual - potential; man's - female, a understanding - explanation, real - virtual etc. Such amphoteric determination is in a broad sense considered by us as a necessary condition of development of the person.

Distinctions of amphoteric character and ambivalence

For explanation of basic distinctions between amphoteric character and ambivalence it will be pertinent to make small etymological digression and to recollect, that the term ambivalence (from a latin word ambo - two, both and valentia - force) is entered by psychiatrist E. Bleuler for a designation of one of essential attributes of schizophrenia. - "Due to schizophrenia and defect of associative ways there is possible a coexistence in mentality of contradictions which, generally speaking, exclude each other. The love and hatred to the same person can be equally ardent and do not influence against each other (affective ambivalence). The patient in same time would like to eat and not is; it(he) equally willingly executes that wants also that does not want (ambivalence of will, the dual tendency -  the ambitendency); he in same time thinks: " I the same person, as you" and "I not such person, as you ". The god and devil, hi and farewell for him are equivalent and merge in one concept (intellectual ambivalence) ". (E. Bleuler. A manual on psychiatry. - Berlin, 1920, pp. 312-313).

The main feature of a pathological duality consists that irrespective of conditions of an environment in behaviour, thinking statements of the patient contradicting, conflicting relations and reactions which replace each other are observed is not based quickly.

Thus, as we with you understand, the postmodernism demonstrates schizophrenias thinking and, actually, induces  its to individuals. Submitting to this global influence, the individual loses ability critically to think. Getting in a situation of uncertainty where "everyone exchange winks more that ambiguously, his consciousness simply breaks up.

Medical consequences of such type of culture are obvious.

However, from our point of view, in modern crisis conditions, contrary to the postmodernist installations which are washing away the personality as the face traced on coastal sand, the personalistic law of formation of health according to which increase of a level of self-organizing of the person results in increase of levels of her physical, social and spiritual health starts to work. In other words, than in the greater measure the individual is capable to reflect itself, the more realized, responsible  and purposeful there is a process of mental self-management by ability to live at biological, social and spiritual levels of life, the above a level of health of the person, family, a society.

The synergic ampthitrinitarian model can become a new philosophical - psychological paradigm of public and individual life and consciousness. As against disharmony of a dialectic triad, in which contrast are antagonistic, the synergizm of an amphoteric trinity is caused by that contrasts are in complementary relations (but not identical or ambivalent). And, the arising ampthitrinitarian transcription of a science - arts - religions in a synergic trinity of public and individual life - consciousnesses - time  is process and result of creative activity of the person in natural - socially - spiritual ability to live.

Love as the mechanism of the synergic communications


 Psychological basis of such personal activity is the supreme Love - the mechanism of the synergic communications of complementary contrasts. During the synergic communications at natural, social and spiritual levels individual and social being and consciousness the transcription of properties of copresent persons in " another " is carried out. 

Let's emphasize, that, as against treatment of love traditional for humanistic psychology as mechanism of identification of contrasts (Abraham Harold Maslow), in a new philosophical- psychological paradigm (Miroshnik, Gavrilin) love is understood as the synergy of the complementary contrasts aspiring to generation harmonious third, which becomes amphoteric - " both that and another ", that is their original transcription. And, amphoteric determination of development gives to the interpersonal communications a productive synergic character and is a necessary condition of formation of harmonious trinitarian thinking and consciousness of the person.

Amphoteric image of the world in three measurements

A psycho-physiological basis of such activity  is the amphoteric unity of the left and right hemispheres of a brain of the person generating amphoteric mental images (subjective - objective, internal - external, ideal - real etc.)

We believe, that the ampthitrinitarian model is a basis of functioning of a brain of the person which generates an amphoteric image of the objective world in three measurements.

Let's explain this thesis on simple examples.

It is known, that on a retina of each eye one bidimentional image and as our eyes are located on some distance from each other is created only, they see the world under a little bit various corners (more to the right and more to the left of the centre) and send a brain simultaneously this dual information in both hemispheres. But the brain from these two mutually additional (complementary) images generates a uniform three-dimensional vision of the world, providing us three-dimensional sight.

Similarly affairs are and in the field of hearing. The right and left ear will carry out in a brain simultaneously a little bit various information as auricles have various localization (accommodation) in space. But the brain integrates two acoustical images and reproduces for us the stereophonic sound world in three measurements.

These are simple examples of functioning of the amphoteric brain generating an image of the world in three measurements, actually open to us one of displays of a universal principle of functioning and development of complex systems which we determine as ampthitrinitarian synergic model.

But if during perception of the elementary information the brain fulfils ampthitrinitarian model irrespective of the person, on more high levels of the semantic analysis of the information, for restoration of adequate work of a brain are required special psychotherapeutic technologies.

Method of a synergic interactive musictherapy

 As our practice has shown, the synergic communications of complementary hemispheres of a brain can be restored with the help of the newest psychological technologies based on complex interaction of arts (synaesthetic), the high technology technologies (multimedia), spiritual Practices

 (Initialization ).

Concrete example of such newest психотехнологии is the Personality-oriented Computerized Psychotherapy (POC-THERAPY), which major component - a synergic interactive musictherapy (SIM).


As a matter of fact, a SIM it - humanitarian practice - a component of new personalistic culture - its part, complementary to the whole.


Let's address to a history of occurrence of this method.

For the first time the method of a synergic interactive musictherapy (SIM) was developed and patented in the Russian Federation as " the Way of the directed regulation of a psychoemothional condition of the person " (I.M.Miroshnik, E.V.Gavrilin, 1993).

The method of orientable regulation of psychoemothional state  of the person

FIELD: medicine. SUBSTANCE: method concludes in showing audio-visual and musical compositions to person. The compositions provide capability of changing human condition into required one. Musical compositions are selected which have no less than singleperiod and constant rate, metro-rythm and mode-key within preset composition. Musical compositions are classified by method of expert evaluations of emotional experience caused by hearing. Psycho-diagnostic tests are used intended for evaluation of parameters of psycho-emotional condition. Psycho-emotional condition of patient and musical composition required are chosen according to values of their parameters which are evaluated by means of the same parameters. EFFECT: improved precision; improvedreliability. 7 cl

1.       A way of the directed regulation of a psychoemotional condition of the person, including selection and classification of various musical compositions by emotional colouring, and presentation to their patient according to the required psychoemotional condition, distinguished by that musical compositions select, each of which models with the help of various musical means of art expressiveness concrete, strongly pronounced and rather constant within the framework of the given composition an emotional condition, classification of musical compositions make a method of expert estimations of the emotional conditions arising as a result of listening of musical compositions for what use the psychodiagnostic tests intended for a self-estimation of parameters of a psychoemotional condition, and show to the patient a musical composition which expert estimation with the help of the given tests on the parameters corresponds to a required psychoemotional condition.

2.       The way on the item 1 distinguished by that before presentation to the person of a musical composition with parameters which values correspond to a required psychoemotional condition, is determined with values of the same parameters of his psychoemotional condition with the help of the same tests and show to him a musical composition with parameters which values correspond to an initial psychoemotional condition of the person.

3.       The way on the item 2 distinguished by that between presentations to the person of musical compositions with parameters which values correspond to his initial and required condition, to the person is showed with one or several musical compositions with intermediate values of parameters.

4.       A way on the item 1-3 distinguished by that simultaneously with a musical composition show the person a visual image which colouring is chosen by a technique of a Simultaneous Presentation of Sound and Color stimuluses by I.MIROSHNIK, thus in colouring a visual image in the greater degree the colors appropriate to emotional character of the given musical composition are submitted.

5.       A way on the item 1-4 distinguished by that simultaneously with a musical composition show the person a visual dynamic image, speed of movement and - or which transformation is proportional to rate of a musical composition during its sounding and equal to zero during interruption of a sound.

6.       A way on the item 4-5 distinguished by that show the person a visual dynamic image, speed of change of which color saturation or its part is proportional to rate of a musical composition during its sounding and equal to zero during interruption of a sound, thus to higher sounds there correspond less sated colors.

7.       A way on the item 4-6 distinguished by that show the person a visual dynamic image which brightness or to its part is proportional to loudness of a sound.

     Use of the given way provides the directed translation of the patient from an actual, initial psychoemotional condition, that is really experienced by the subject at the moment of time of the beginning of a psycho-correction, in a required condition, that is the mental condition determined by the psychologist (therapist) as the purpose of video-music therapy.


(С) All rights reserved, I.Miroshnik and E.Gavrilin, 1983-2003

The psychological technique of a Simultaneous Presentation of Sound and Color Stimuluses (SPSC)

The psychological technique of a Simultaneous Presentation of Sound and Color Stimuluses (SPSC) is developed and approved by Irina Miroshnik in dissertational research in 1983-1986 years. In 1990 I.Miroshnik's dissertation on a theme "The personality of the teacher as the factor of development at pupils of emotional and figurative perception of music" was successfully protected in Psychological Institute of the Russian Academy of education (Moscow).   In the dissertation the original technique of audio-visual simultaneously representation (AVS), which was used in our subsequent development, was developed.The technique consists in the following: simultaneously with a piece of music (sound stimulus) a number of various color stimuluses is offered to the person and the following instruction is given: " choose that color which you want to draw this music ". Simultaneously showing musical and color stimuluses (amphoteric, bifunctional character  of influence) was a determinative of revealing of psychological laws in that area where a subjective arbitrariness was earlier assumed only.

In dissertational research on the big sample of examinees for the first time is proved, that there is statistically authentic law of a choice of color stimulus on a piece of music. Ability of the person to carry out an adequate choice of color from the offered color palette according to emotional character of a listened piece of music - refers to as a phenomenon of a Sound-Color Simultaneously Representation (SCSR).

The positions which are taken out on protection in I.Miroshnik's dissertation on a theme "The personality of the teacher as the factor of development at pupils of emotional and figurative perception of music" :

1.       At preschool and younger school age the phenomenon of a Sound-Color Simultaneously Representation (SCSR),  that determined as ability of the child during a simultaneous presentation of  a music and  some color stimuluses to carry out the coordination of elements of color palette with an arisen emotional condition, is exist.

2.       Development of emotional perception of music and creative imagination at children is characterized by certain age dynamics which is shown in ability of a Sound-Color Simultaneously Representation. In the age of from 4 till 8 years steady increase of  emotional responsiveness on the music, experimentally registered in high parameters on a ability of SCSR is observed. Then in the period since 9-11 years gradual decrease of parameters on a ability of SCSR that is as supposes, consequence of falling of emotional activity of perception of music by children is marked.

3.       Musical training generally a little bit changes age dynamics of a ability of sound-color simultaneously representation (SCSR). However in critical for the given phenomenon an age range (10-12 years for musical school) the significant disorder of values of parameters on a ability of SCSR for various groups of pupils is observed.             

4.       Depending on character and a level of the personality influence,  teachers can render positive or negative influence on development of ability of a SCSR and, hence, change natural age dynamics of emotional perception of music by children. 

 The technique of Simultaneous Presentation of Sound and Color stimuluses (SPSC) became a basis for creation of computer technology "Audio -  Visual Simultaneously representation (AVS)", which was used in computer system of interactive video-musical therapy  "TONIC" (I.Miroshnik, E.Gavrilin, 1991-1993). The technology  "Audio -  Visual Simultaneously representation (AVS)" as applied to computer creation of Video - Musical Compositions (VMC), is directed influencing on a psychoemotional condition of the person (Ye.Gavrilin, I.Miroshnik, the patent for the invention of Russia, "The METHOD OF DIRECTED REGULATION OF PSYCHO-EMOTIONAL CONDITION OF HUMAN"; Application Number: 93039112/14, Date of Filing: 1993.07.30; Claim(s) date: 1995.04.30, Edition of International Classification: 6; International Classification: A61M21/00 )

 It is important to note, that not only a way of the directed regulation of a psychoemothional condition of the person, but also the experimental techniques described above (audio-visual simultaneously representation (AVS), the image of the movement, a Simultaneous artistic image) were approved in clinic and effectively can be applied with a view of a psychotherapy, psychological correction.

    Music and videoline automatically generated on its basis were reproduced with the help of the personal COMPUTER, for what in 1991 (i.e. long before occurrence of similar programs on the basis of technology the multimedia) was specially developed a program videomusical synthesizer.

Demonstration VCD1 with compositions from TONICS

Now we shall show videorecording color musical dynamic compositions with which help correction psychoemothional condition was carried out. These compositions were automatically generated by the computer on special algorithm. We shall notice, that this program was written for personal computer IBM PC AT in 1990-1992 years, that is then when all modern arsenal multimedia did not exist yet in a nature. At that time on the personal computer was not neither sound payments, nor powerful videocards with graphic accelerators. " Windows " was still in wonder, and Bill Gates yet did not begin one of richest people of a planet, and was only very talented programmer and the businessman. Personal computers at that time practically were not applied to work with графикой and music. However, despite of technical imperfection, the principles incorporated in " a way of the directed regulation of a psychoemothional condition " allowed to achieve unique results in rehabilitation of patients by a narcotism, alcoholics, an ill psychiatric and psychosomatic structure.


( there Is Demonstration VCD1 with compositions from TONICS)


So, this way was realized by us in the first computer system of interactive video-musical therapy of "TONIC" and approved in the Moscow scientific research institute of the joint venture (1992-1994). Its distinctive features:

·    Presence of system of classification with which help the space of mental conditions and properties of the person is structured and is created his display (transcription) in space of various artistic images.

·    the automated fine tuning of musical color dynamic (videomusical) compositions to actual and desirable psychoemothional conditions of the patient (a transcription of conditions and properties of the person in artistic images); 

·    change of a condition in the given direction with the help of videomusical programs (translation complementary to the subject of audio-visual images); 

·    the multi-modal feedback informing the patient about changes, occuring during a musictherapy, with use of various representative systems.

The method developed by us has allowed further with the help of psychological tests to model in system of a POC-THERAPY various mental conditions and properties of the person, (including temperament, character etc.) and to carry out their transcriptions in various and polymodal artistic images (musical, color dynamic, literary - poetic, dramaturgic, picturesque etc.). And, results of psychological testing of influence of artistic images on mental conditions and properties of the person were verified and on objective parameters.

Experience of clinical application of a SIM

In our article " Experience of clinical application of system of Tonic in medical diagnostic work ", published in 1994 in the collection " Mental health of the population of Russia, some results of approbation of system of interactive video-musical therapy of "TONIC" in the Moscow scientific research institute of the joint venture were submitted.

 Let's result the basic theses of this work.


The psychoemothional condition of the person (PCP) is a component of structure of his functional condition and is considered by us as subjectively significant integrator of influence of internal and external factors during ability to live of the individual. 

      As practice shows, the PCP, on the one hand, is the sensitive indicator disadaptations of an organism, and with another - object of psychotherapeutic influence which allows to compensate displays disadaptable syndrome. As have shown our researches, dynamics of a PCP can serve as a parameter of efficiency of rehabilitation of patients after heavy poisonings.

      With the purpose of the decision of a problem of rehabilitation of patients after heavy poisonings with psychotropic preparations on resistibility stages of a poisoning the automated control system of a psychoemothional condition of the person of "TONIC" was applied. The system was applied alongside with the medicinal therapy directed on removal of displays psychoorganic of a syndrome.

The Tonika (Tonic) System is an IBM PC/AT-based program complex, intended  for the individual control and correction of a PCP. In system " the Way of the directed regulation of a PCP ", based on a technique of lumpsum musical color influence on the recipient which provides nonverbal suggestion of the certain PCP is realized. The system functions in three modes:

1.     the psychoemothional condition of the person diagnostics;

2.     the psychoemothional condition of the person  optimization;

3.    data analysis and system adjustment (for "the psychologist" only).

       In a mode of "adjustment" of system the doctor - psychopheraputic has an opportunity to set the script of a computer psychotherapy, which determines structure and a sequence of presentation of psychodiagnostic tests (eight-factorial test Supos 8, eight-color test by M. Lusher with an estimation of vegetative balance and a total deviation from norms), and also one of three modes of correction of a condition of the patient: removals of a psycho-physical pressure (relaxation), adjustment on the vigorous activity (mobilization) or the general harmonization of a condition (optimization). Depending on values of parameters of the diagnosed actual PCP system " Tonic " automatically chooses and reproduces the audio-visual compositions providing the maximal psychotherapeutic effect in a given mode of correction of a PCP with the help of the personal computer.

       During clinical approbation the subsystem of diagnostics of a PCP was added with objective methods (Frequency of intimate reductions, Arterial pressure, Skin galvanic reaction), allowing to look after dynamics of a vegetative tone shown as sympathetic and pair - sympathetic "shifts", and also computer tests for an estimation simple sensomotoric reactions, attention (table  of Shulte), uneasiness , " State of health, Activity, Mood " and other psychological tests.

       During complex treatment of 25 patients with poisonings  were carried out sessions of a computer psychotherapy with application of system "Tonic " (on 2 - 3 sessions in 1-3 days).  

       In result after sessions of a computer psychotherapy at patients changes of parameters of an actual PCP adequate to carried out influence, both on subjective and on objective methods of testing were observed.

       In a mode of "mobilization" which was appointed the patient with expressed depressive

syndrome, increases of values under factors of estimation PCP "Vigour", "Activity" on the average on 16 % c by simultaneous decrease of parameters under factors "Depression" - on 12 %, "Despondency" - on 13 % were observed. Thus shift of vegetative balance aside activation sympathetic components of vegetative nervous system was clearly fixed.

       In a mode of "relaxation" which was appointed the patient with expressed a Disturbing syndrome, on the contrary, value under factors "Activity", "Impulsiveness", "Anxiety", "Uneasiness"  on the average accordingly on 10 %, 11 %, 15 %, 15 %, and on the factor "Calmness" - were increased by 17 %. Shift of parameters of vegetative balance aside activation pair sympathetic components of vegetative nervous system was simultaneously observed.

       In a mode of "Optimization" which was appointed the patient both after a mode of "Mobilization", and after a mode of "Relaxation", there was a relative displacement of a parameter of vegetative balance under test Lusher’s to values to simultaneous reduction of a total deviation from norms.

       Also it is necessary to note, that for all modes of correction of a condition after sessions of a computer psychotherapy positive changes under the test the DIGNITY (the factor "State of health" on the average on 20 %, the factor "Mood" - on 24 %) and under test Spilberger’s - reduction of a parameter of situational uneasiness up to "average" and "low" levels were observed.

       Thus, results of clinical approbation show, that the system of a computer psychotherapy of "Tonic" can be applied alongside with the standard methods as not medicamentous means of the accelerated rehabilitation of patients with sharp psychogenic reactions at poisonings.

       It is necessary to note an opportunity of application of system " Tonic "  the purpose of increase of suggestibility at realization of the psychotherapy directed on restoration of work capacity and social adaptation of patients, and also diagnostics, preventive maintenance and treatment of psychoemothional infringements.

Let's result a bright example of application of the Synergic Interactive Musictherapy in psychotherapeutic practice.

Demonstration of a session of a SIM   

In psychotherapeutic practice frequently there are cases when as a result of psychoemothional frustration  at the patient the expressed affective infringements which can be shown in the form of deep depression or high uneasiness are observed.

   In these cases effectively it is possible to apply the offered way of the directed regulation of a psychoemothional condition. And, if in a psychoemothional condition of the patient depressive components prevail, regulation of a condition in a direction of mental mobilization, i.e. consecutive translation in a condition described by high vigour, activity, confidence of the forces etc is recommended.

   In case of prevalence of components of disturbing affect gradual translation of the patient in a condition of a pleasant calming relaxation which is characterized by a low level of anxiety and uneasiness at an average level of vigour and a low level of mental activity is expedient.

Let's consider a concrete example.



Problem of musical interpretation  

" Hi the Bach - is spoken by the God.

  Hi the God - speaks a Bach "

 From songs Alexander Galich



As a musical therapeutic material in system " Tonic " various musical compositions on themes of 48 preludes and the fugues including in Well-Tempered Clavier - I.S.Bach's composition were applied

In process of perfection of technology "Multimedia" musical compositions and their transcriptions in color dynamic images were improved.

First we have replaced the elementary synthesizer of a sound with more modern. Thus the idea of amphoteric character of the man's and female beginning in absolute was realized. Behind this metaphor that fact disappears, that in the new version of system " Tonic " is used original a timbre - rhythmic interpretation WТC of a Bach.

Demonstration of the new version Tonics in a format of Video  CD

Today we shall show the new version of system of Tonic in the videorecording made directly from the personal computer on the videorecorder, and then recoded in a format of Video CD.

As you hear in this record of the Prelude and the Fugue of Bach are executed a mansion of man's and female voices. It art decision is one of concrete realizations of the principle of amphoteric character offered by us. And it art decision allows to achieve special expressiveness of performance and, accordingly force of therapeutic influence. Professionals understand, that such interpretation - result creative, but long and laborious work. 

Have accordingly changed also a visual line. And, though in this record we can not in full will take pleasure in magnificent game of color dynamic images, we see, that application of modern computer technologies of animation and 3D-graphic, allow essentially to raise expressive capacity and force of therapeutic influence of videomusical compositions.


Thus, actually the technology of the directed musictherapy in the basis remains constant since 1992.


As we already marked, for its realization the system of classification of mental conditions and properties was developed and with its help the space of mental conditions and properties of the person and its display in space of various artistic images as which 96 pieces of music from Well-Tempered Clavier  by I.S.Bach were used. And, results of psychological testing of influence of musical artistic images on mental conditions and properties of the person were checked up on objective parameters.

Our long-term clinical experimental researches have shown, that Well-Tempered Clavier  by I.S.Bach has really boundless therapeutic potential and as a hobby, and for a body of the person.

Therefore we completely agree with opinion of some critics that Well-Tempered Clavier  is the perfect musical model worth at a level of divine creation of the world with infinite potential incorporated in it to development of each of its components. But we are not limited to this opinion.

Today it is important to understand, that in conditions of expansion of a postmodernism, an eclectic masscult, with the expressed semiology of the ambivalent thinking which is washing away as the person traced on coastal sand not only the subject, but also personal senses of human words, music, musical language starts carries out the same function, as a word of the God. Therefore, probably, the Third precept comes to us not in a word, and in music.

Certainly with a known share of metaphoricalness, we can consider Well-Tempered Clavier  by I.S.Bach as the third precept inverted to mankind. From this point of view Bach - the prophet to whom the revelation of Sacred Spirit expressed in the musical form was shown.

Well-Tempered Clavier  by I.S.Bach - the God inside us. That feels that and the person realizes, listening to music Well-Tempered Clavier and there is a word of the God of the third precept, the word going from within, instead of outside, a word inverted individually to each person, in his own language of personal concepts and senses.

Well-Tempered Clavier by I.S.Bach - the God sounding in you, the God sounding in an internal Temple of your soul.

In music of a Bach human and divine are in a synergy - complementary unity, it forms the personal trinitarian thinking having property of amphoteric character, on an image and similarity.

From the point of view developed by us, great composers - prophets of Sacred Spirit, Spirit of True, that in us stays and per one century will be.

Task of musicians and musictheraputics - Hermeneutics interpretation of classical pieces of music with the purpose of disclosing listening their sacral sense. The executor (as " Sacred text") creates the interpreter together with the composer and expresses the latent, polysemantic maintenance of music in intonational and rhythmic language of the epoch. Thus, we determine a task of musical Hermeneutics simultaneously and in sense Gadamer, and in sense W.Dilthey. That is the interpreter on the one hand should penetrate into elements of historical time in which the piece of music was created, and, on the other hand - it should express comprehended senses in intonational language of the epoch. Otherwise, it remain not understood by contemporaries. And its performance will be interesting and clear only to a narrow circle of professionals. In our opinion, only such amphoteric Hermeneutics can become a key to comprehension and disclosing of sacral sense of music.

And, during a SIM not only the executor, but also the student actively creates together with the composer. There is a triune system: the composer - the musician - listening. And in this synergic process listening the word of the God sounding in him opens. He hears Spirit of True, in him staying.

The special role in a synergic interactive musictherapy is allocated transcriptions of music in a visual color dynamic image. The visual, color dynamic image appropriate to emotional character of a piece of music, carries out function of the catalyst of direct emotional aesthetic reaction to music in a synergic interactive musictherapy and allows the student in sacral the diagram of motives to see the latent semantics of the third precept coded in music of a Bach and ingenious creations of great composers of a classicism, romanticism and impressionism.

Synergic a way of Hermeneutics interpretation  and performances of music

At the end of 90th years the method of a synergic interactive musictherapy was added with offered I.M.Miroshnik a synergic way of interpretation and performance of music. According to this way, innovative interpretation of pieces of music is carried out in view of laws of harmonious change of phase conditions in complex oscillatory systems (under the law phasegenesis), and specially developed piano performing engineering provides disclosing a deep code of music to students therefore music becomes for students not an external sound background, and with the synergic process providing effective self-management and self-development of the person on психо biological, psychosocial and психо spiritual levels of life, consciousness, activity.

DEMONSTRATION (CD " the Album of synergic music ", 1998).

The theory and practice of a music-color synergy


The synergic an artistic image has unique property to cause synthesis of amphoteric mental connections (subjective - objective, ideal - real, internal - external, causal - teleonomic), carried out in a trinity acoustical, kynaesthetic and visual representations (ampthitrinitarian synergic model). A Psycho-Physiological basis of such synthesis, from our point of view, the amphoteric (bifunctional) unity of the left and right hemispheres of a brain of the person is. 

We believe, that synergic interaction of complementary hemispheres of a brain can be initiated with the help of the newest psychological technologies based on a synergy of arts (synaesthetic), the high technology technologies (multimedia), spiritual practice (Initialization ). A concrete example of such technology is the POC-THERAPY and its major component - a synergic interactive musictherapy.

In the theory of a POC-THERAPY we consider a SIM not only as a method of treatment, but also as the cultural humanitarian practice directed on harmonization of the person in a trinity of her biological, social and spiritual “life - consciousnesses – time”.

We believe also, that the ampthitrinitarian paradigm (a bifunctional Trinity) underlies the theory of music and finds the embodiment in the basic harmonious intervals (an octave, a quint, a quart), major and minor harmonious triads (tonic, a subdominant, a dominant), connected quintum relationship.

As we already marked, in a SIM the transcription of major and minor harmonious triads in color dynamic images is carried out. This transcription is based on a principle of complementary relations of musical and color intervals open by us, that is conformity of an interval of a quint and complementary colors. We experimentally (with the help of a psychological technique of a Simultaneous Presentation of Sound and Color Stimuluses ) reveal conformity of twelve steps musical and color building. The revealed law has allowed to harmonize  the quintum-quartum circle from 12 major and minor tonalities and a circle of complementary colors (and also a zodiac circle from 12 constellations). The transcription of attitudes of an interval of a quint in relations of complementary colors was the original metrics for an establishment of a synergy of music and color, that is for creation of a matrix musical - color harmony. In its result two complementary circles are formed: Complementary colors and the musical tonalities located on a degree of harmonious relationship, that essentially differs from traditional models of old indian and Chinese philosophies, Pythagorean, Platonic and also West-European philosophies.

Thus, theories of musical and color harmony become complementary and there is a uniform theory of musical - color synergy. Therefore specially organized (synergic) videomusic is considered in a POC-THERAPY not only as means of the directed self-control, but also as the spiritual practice providing development of harmonious trinitarian thinking and consciousness of the person.

The synergic video-musical art image has unique property to cause synthesis of amphoteric mental connections (subjective - objective, ideal - real, internal - external, causal - teleologic), carried out in a trinity acoustical, cinaesthetic and visual representations (ampthitrinitarian synergic model). Therefore in unity with information technologies (causae ministeriales) synergic music creates during a POC-THERAPY powerful power streams (causae efficiens), carrying out the important role in therapy and self-realization of the person (causa finalis). 

Indications to application of a SIM are wide: diseases of nervous system, cardiovascular system, a gastroenteric path, decrease of immunity and so forth. the Synergic musictherapy can be applied in a complex of a POC-THERAPY and in a combination to physiotherapy etc. methods of treatment, both in individual, and in group forms.

Thus, the SIM opens essentially new opportunities for medicine, development of creative abilities, harmonization of thinking and consciousness of the person in conditions of becoming of new postindustrial synergic culture of the third millenium.


Synergic Interactive Musictherapy

I.M.Miroshnik, E.V.Gavrilin

The centre of PОC-THERAPY, Kharkov,

Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Science, Moscow

 For the first time the method of synergic interactive musictherapy was developed and patented in the Russian Federation (I.M.Miroshnik, E.V.Gavrilin, 1993). This way was realized by us in the first computer system of interactive video-musical therapy of "TONIC." Its distinctive features: the automated fine tuning videomusical compositions to actual and desirable conditions of the patient (a transcription of conditions and properties of the person in artistic images); change of a condition in the given direction with the help of videomusical programs (translation complementary to the subject of audio-visual images); a feedback informing the patient about changes, occuring during a musictherapy, with use of various representative systems. Music and videoline automatically generated on its basis were reproduced with the help of the personal computer, for what in 1991 was specially developed a program videomusical synthesizer. (i.e. long before occurrence of similar programs on the basis of technology the multimedia) At the end of 90th years this method was added with offered I.M.Miroshnik a synergic way of interpretation and performance of music. According to this way, innovative interpretation of pieces of music is carried out in view of laws of harmonious change of phase conditions in complex oscillatory systems, and specially developed piano performing engineering provides disclosing a deep code of music to patients. for whom it becomes not an external sound background, and with the synergic process providing effective self-management and self-development of the person (CD " the Album of synergic music ", 1998).

In SIM the transcription of major and minor harmonious triads in color dynamic images is carried out. This transcription is based on a principle open by us complementary relations of musical and color intervals, that is conformity of an interval of a quint and complementary colors. We experimentally reveal conformity of twelve steps musical and color systems. The revealed law has allowed to harmonize a quintum circle from 12 major both minor tonalities and a circle of complementary colors (and also a zodiac circle from 12 constellations). In its result two are formed a circle: complementary colors and the musical tonalities located on a degree of harmonious relationship, that essentially differs from traditional models of Old Indian, Chinese and European philosophy. Thus, theories of musical and color harmony become complementary and there is a Uniform theory of Music-Color Synergy.

A concrete example of such technology is the Personality Oriented Computerized psychotherapy (POC-THERAPY) and its major component - a Synergic Interactive Musictherapy (SIM). SIM opens essentially new opportunities for medicine, development of creative abilities, harmonization of thinking and consciousness of the person in conditions of becoming of new postindustrial synergic culture of the third millenium.


 (С) All rights reserved, I.Miroshnik and E.Gavrilin, 1983-2003

Irina M.Miroshnik (Ph.D.,Psychology) e-mail: pocther@ok.ru

Evgeny V.Gavrilin (Ph.D.,Technical Sciences) e-mail: psyart@ok.ru





The Kharkov medical academy

 Joint-stock company the International medical academy (Kharkov)

Federazione Italiana Musicoterapeuti

 (F.I.M., ITALIA, Bergamo)


“Musictherapy of XXI CENTURY”


Dear colleagues!

We have honour to inform you that 2 –3, October, 2003  in city Evpatoria (Crimea, Ukraine) was held the International Symposium " the Musictherapy of  21 centuries ".

Known musical therapists, doctors, psychologists, teachers and other experts from Ukraine, Russia, Italy, Cuba have taken part in a symposium.

Participants of a symposium special interest was caused with scientific reports, trainings and demonstrations of the videofilms, prepared by two known experts in the field of a musictherapy:

President Federazione Italiana Musicoterapeuti (F.I.M).

 proff. Giulia CREMASCHI TROVESI, Bergamo, ITALIA

And foreign member F.I.M., Irina MIROSHNIK, Ph. D. (Kharkov).



for the first time in Ukraine and Russia has told about the original method of a musictherapy. She has shown magnificent videofilms which have convincingly proved unique opportunities of her method for treatment of children with very heavy diseases of hearing, bodies of movement, central nervous system.

The international Symposium " the Musictherapy of 21 centuries " passed in the INTERNATIONAL CHILDREN'S MEDICAL CENTRE "EVPATORIA" where medical and psychological rehabilitation of children from zones of anthropogenous pollution (Chernobyl) is traditionally carried out. Professor TROVESI has agreed to carry out a session of a musictherapy with children from Chernobyl. The session passed on a stage of a conference room at the presence of the deserved doctor of Ukraine, the director the INTERNATIONAL CHILDREN'S MEDICAL CENTRE "EVPATORIA" Gennady Ljamkin, leading experts from various cities of Ukraine, Russia, Cuba. In a session took part the assistant of professor, Stefania BATTARINO (dott. Sse., Musicoterapista F.I.M., Cagliari, ITALIA). In a session participated simultaneously five children of different age (from 6 till 14 years), suffering hearing disorder, sight and other diseases, one adult. Children did not know the Italian language. Professor Giulia CREMASCHI TROVESI, using the original method of the nonverbal communications, has managed for one hour not only to come into full contact and mutual understanding with children and adults, but also has received appreciable psychological and therapeutic effects.

The method of professor Giulia CREMASCHI TROVESI has received a high estimation and a recognition of all experts. In the general opinion of participants of a symposium the method of professor Giulia CREMASCHI TROVESI represents doubtless interest, demands the further studying and a deepening. Some information on a method of a musictherapy of professor Giulia CREMASCHI TROVESI can be received in the Internet to the address



Alongside with a method of professor Giulia CREMASCHI TROVESI high interest and support of participants of the International Symposium " the Musictherapy of 21 centuries " was caused with the method of a synergic Interactive Musictherapy developed by Irina Miroshnik and Evgeny Gavrilin (Ukraine - Russia). Authors of a method have given the developed scientific report, demonstration of educational videofilms, and then, in end of a symposium, Irina Miroshnik has given small, but a delightful concert “Synergic music”.

For acquaintance with Irina Miroshnik's and Evgeny Gavrilin’s report its translation into the English language is offered.




Synergic interactive musictherapy[v]

I.M.Miroshnik, E.V.Gavrilin

The centre of POC-THERAPY А/О ММА, Kharkov,

Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Science, Moscow

(С) All rights reserved, I.Miroshnik and E.Gavrilin, 2003

Irina M.Miroshnik (Ph.D.,Psychology) e-mail: pocther@ok.ru

Evgeny V.Gavrilin (Ph.D.,Technical Sciences) e-mail: psyart@ok.ru



Becoming of a musictherapy 

The way of treatment is known for musical sounds to mankind of thousand years. In China, Egypt, Ancient Greece, Rome already in the first theoretical doctrines developed by great philosophers of an antiquity music it was considered as a kind of activity (that is practice) simultaneously close to a science, craft and a religious cult.

Music was represented and as the model of the world promoting knowledge of its laws, and as the strongest magic means of influence for a nature, for the person (doctoring, formation of moral, civil qualities etc.).

 However as the independent branch of knowledge and area of scientific - practical activities a musictherapy began to be formed only in 19-20 century, that, in our opinion, is caused by the following major factors:

1.  Formation of the theory of music.

2.  Formation of the universal musical culture embodied in styles of the Baroque, the Classicism, Romanticism, Impressionism, New Age and so forth.

3.  Development of psychology and a psychotherapy.

4.  Acceleration of social information processes.

5.  Development of means of record and reproduction of music. 

In second half of 20 centuries the musictherapy actively starts to be applied in Europe, USA, Australia, Japan and other countries of the world. Among the theoretical schools which have received wide popularity it is necessary to allocate Juliette Alvin in Great Britain, Paul Nordoff and Clive Robbins in the United States, Shvabe  in Germany, Julia Cremaschi Trovesi in Italy. In the Anglo-Saxon countries and the most part of Europe theoretical line Alvin-Nordoff-Robbins-Cremaschi today prevails.

Last decade on advanced positions the Italian school of a musictherapy (professor Giulia Cremaschi Trovesi) in which on the basis of the phenomenological approach effective technologies of a musictherapy are developed leaves: "Dialogo Sonoro", "Corpo Vibrante " etc. (we shall not detail now this method because today the unique opportunity to get acquainted with it directly in an author's statement is represented to us).

In our report the basic attention is given developed and patented by us in Russia to an original method of "the Synergic interactive musictherapy".

Paradigm of a synergic interactive musictherapy


As it was marked above, in culture of ancient civilizations music was represented as the model of the world promoting knowledge of its laws, and as the strongest magic means of influence for a nature and for the person. The similar approach is determined by us as syncretism, that is indivisibility of a science of religion of art which was characteristic for ancient civilizations, and then with some transformations was transferred in medieval culture under a dominant of religion. 

Renaissance has given the first powerful push which has shaken foundations of syncretic culture of Middle Ages. And huge value in this progressive process has art of Italy. In musical culture is, first of all, - great D. Zarlino (1517-1590) which in " Establishments of harmony " about modes has opposed the medieval doctrine new system with two basic inclinations - a major and a minor. The major and a minor have generalized historically previous to them modes, but in too time were an embodiment essentially new modes the organizations which embodied changes happened in the most human perception of the world. As against medieval experts in an aesthetics, Zarlino thought, that the world is full of harmony, and objective harmony of the world is commensurable with harmony of human soul. In our terminology such Renaissance musical thinking is defined as the theory of amphoteric character of a major and a minor which is closely connected to becoming active - personal thinking and consciousness of the person. We shall note, that as against disharmonious dialectic thinking of Hegel, in a harmonious amphoteric trinity of contrast of a major and a minor are not antagonistic, but complementary. Therefore, contrary to prophecy of Hegel about " disharmonies in art " in classical music arises and it is kept, as a vivifying spring of harmonious thinking and consciousness, amphoteric unity (but not dialectic struggle!) Complementary contrasts: a major and a minor, discords and concords. We shall remind, that in the aesthetic concept Hegel believed, that in process of development of a history harmony gives up the place to collisions, to disharmonies, antagonisms and this process is irreversible. As against this position , we believe, that the antagonism of thinking inducing the appropriate processes in art, is only a stage postsyncretic, " antagonistic culture " which is naturally replaced by a stage of "eclectic culture ". At the present stage of eclectic culture during mutual mixing arts, and also a science and religion, there is a synthesis and crystallization of the new harmonious system based on a principle of a synergy of a science - religions - arts.  

However, following logic of a statement, we should return to 16 century. So, major and minor triads were the central elements of two main modes of the European music. As is known, the basis of the organization of chords in amphoteric major - minor  musical system - is concords triads. Zarlino has given the first theory of triads (1558), having named their "harmonies". Subsequently they it was designated as a triad. Taking into account, that the trinitarian paradigm having the preconditions in religion, art and a science, is considered by us as a trance - a cultural phenomenon of evolution of thinking and consciousness of the person, it will be pertinent to recollect, that I.Lippius (1612) and A.Verkmejster (1686-87) believed in 17 century, that the harmonious triad symbolizes a sacred Trinity. Thus, from our point of view, in epoch of the Renaissance in musical culture rudiments of ampthitrinitarian harmonious thinking were generated.

In the world divine ampthitrinitarian harmony of the personality has begun to sound.

From our point of view, such ampthitrinitarian thinking not only was a source of self-development of music and the European culture as a whole, but, having opened a rich palette of means of musical art expressiveness, has allowed great geniuses of Renaissance to realize and express in the products the personality as the active - creative, target beginning, and his amphoteric character, as a source of self-organizing and development at natural, social and spiritual levels of life. So in doctrine Zarlino the ampthitrinitarian transcription of the person in new system of tonalities and musical harmony has involuntarily come to pass. We believe, that Renaissance in Italy was preleaks of the future postindustrial personalistic culture.

Initial syncretism of sciences - religion - arts by means of creative activity of copresent persons - great poets, artists, musicians, it is finally broken open in epoch of Education and, during 17-18 centuries, it is gradually transformed to antagonism which in 19 century provides emancipation of art and a science from religion and their self-determination in culture of an industrial society of 20 centuries. Then there comes a stage of synthesis (the modern period of pluralistic eclecticism) which as we believe, in an ideal of postindustrial personalistic culture will be resolved in a synergizm of a science - religions - arts. 

The word "synergy" and word derivative of it "synergism" of the Greek origin (from the Greek word synergeia) also means joint action, that is assistance of various forces or subjects in such a manner that action of one strengthens action of another. Hence, when we speak about a synergy of a science - religion - arts in postindustrial personalistic culture, as a matter of fact we speak that not losing independence, these three components of spiritual activity of the person mutually supplement, is mutually strengthen action each other, ennobling the person up to a level of a harmonious Trinity. - On an image and similarity.

This new approach to the analysis of dynamics of culture (from syncretism through antagonism of becoming to a synergy of a science, religion, art) is offered by us within the framework of  the philosophical-psychological theory of a postindustrial personalizm (I.Miroshnik, E.Gavrilin, 1996).

The Syncretism, antagonism, eclecticism and a synergism are considered by us as forming principles of culture, public and individual life and consciousness. Accordingly, in the new philosophical - psychological concept we allocate four types of cultures: syncretic, antagonistic, eclectic and synergic. We consider a modern postmodernism as bright display of dying, amorphous, eclectic culture. The synergism - is a principle of new postindustrial personalistic culture, forming on our eyes.

Semiology of a postmodernism


Let's remind, that in the concept of a postmodernism to which character of a paradigm today is traditionally given, ambivalence is one of key psychological characteristics of consciousness and behaviour of an individual in social system. So by definition of the known sociologist and philosopher Bauman, the sociological theory of a postmodernism is " self-comprehension of the  modernism " and transition to general pluralism, variety, sufficient uncertainty and ambivalence (Z. Bauman, 1992).

Known philosopher Merab Mamardashvili named a modern postmodernist  society the game in mirrors, unreal sign reflection of something of another. In this society, - wrote M.Mamardashvili, - people of the organized happiness, which can not even despise itself, are formed. They live in a situation of the destroyed consciousness and the destroyed matter human".

The arising abnormal sign space tightens in itself everything, that to it adjoins. The human consciousness breaks up, and, getting in a situation of uncertainty where everyone exchange winks not that that ambiguously, but multiple-valued, the person breaks up also: neither courage, nor honour, neither advantage, nor cowardice, disgrace. Has no value, that at you in "consciousness" if only the mark submitted …

In such pluralistic society the ambivalent individual - " the person without properties " which is described in the novel of Austrian writer Muzil is formed. Everything, that do it will be poured out in any rubbish. Search for the truth or do not search for the truth - all one - you will go on already given ways of nonsense. Muzil' perfectly knew, - wrote M.Mamardashvili, - that inside such situation to operate and think it is impossible - from it important to leave.

We express confidence, that the society of postindustrial personalistic culture will manage to overcome pathological ambivalence of a modern postmodernism. 

Let's note, that in our works the principle of amphoteric determination of development which intends for the description of a productive, harmonious duality, characteristic for mental processes, conditions and properties of harmoniously developing person, and, accordingly, differentiation of these positive phenomena from concepts and phenomena of recourse, a pathological duality - ambivalences for the first time is entered. Thus, dialectic Hegel’s triad  is considered by us as necessary, but not a sufficient condition of formation of trinitarian thinking of the person. Transition from the dialectic paradigm of thinking peculiar to the postSoviet subject, to trinitarian is comprehended within the framework of the ampthitrinitarian synergic model developed by us in which the principle of amphoteric determination of development at three mutually supplementing levels of self-organizing of complex systems for the first time is formulated.


Property of amphoteric (bifunctionl) essentially differs from antagonism, no less than from ambivalence, and for the first time is considered by us as fundamental property of complex systems - a source of self-organizing and development. 

Amphoteric character (from the Greek word amphoteros - " both that and another ", bilateral) in the theory of a POC-THERAPY is many-sided: necessary - possible; material - ideal; mental - physical; subjective - objective; measurement - change; causal - teleologic; actual - potential; man's - female, a understanding - explanation, real - virtual etc. Such amphoteric determination is in a broad sense considered by us as a necessary condition of development of the person.

Distinctions of amphoteric character and ambivalence

For explanation of basic distinctions between amphoteric character and ambivalence it will be pertinent to make small etymological digression and to recollect, that the term ambivalence (from a latin word ambo - two, both and valentia - force) is entered by psychiatrist E. Bleuler for a designation of one of essential attributes of schizophrenia. - "Due to schizophrenia and defect of associative ways there is possible a coexistence in mentality of contradictions which, generally speaking, exclude each other. The love and hatred to the same person can be equally ardent and do not influence against each other (affective ambivalence). The patient in same time would like to eat and not is; it(he) equally willingly executes that wants also that does not want (ambivalence of will, the dual tendency -  the ambitendency); he in same time thinks: " I the same person, as you" and "I not such person, as you ". The god and devil, hi and farewell for him are equivalent and merge in one concept (intellectual ambivalence) ". (E. Bleuler. A manual on psychiatry. - Berlin, 1920, pp. 312-313).

The main feature of a pathological duality consists that irrespective of conditions of an environment in behaviour, thinking statements of the patient contradicting, conflicting relations and reactions which replace each other are observed is not based quickly.

Thus, as we with you understand, the postmodernism demonstrates schizophrenias thinking and, actually, induces  its to individuals. Submitting to this global influence, the individual loses ability critically to think. Getting in a situation of uncertainty where "everyone exchange winks more that ambiguously, his consciousness simply breaks up.

Medical consequences of such type of culture are obvious.

However, from our point of view, in modern crisis conditions, contrary to the postmodernist installations which are washing away the personality as the face traced on coastal sand, the personalistic law of formation of health according to which increase of a level of self-organizing of the person results in increase of levels of her physical, social and spiritual health starts to work. In other words, than in the greater measure the individual is capable to reflect itself, the more realized, responsible  and purposeful there is a process of mental self-management by ability to live at biological, social and spiritual levels of life, the above a level of health of the person, family, a society.

The synergic ampthitrinitarian model can become a new philosophical - psychological paradigm of public and individual life and consciousness. As against disharmony of a dialectic triad, in which contrast are antagonistic, the synergizm of an amphoteric trinity is caused by that contrasts are in complementary relations (but not identical or ambivalent). And, the arising ampthitrinitarian transcription of a science - arts - religions in a synergic trinity of public and individual life - consciousnesses - time  is process and result of creative activity of the person in natural - socially - spiritual ability to live.

Love as the mechanism of the synergic communications


 Psychological basis of such personal activity is the supreme Love - the mechanism of the synergic communications of complementary contrasts. During the synergic communications at natural, social and spiritual levels individual and social being and consciousness the transcription of properties of copresent persons in " another " is carried out. 

Let's emphasize, that, as against treatment of love traditional for humanistic psychology as mechanism of identification of contrasts (Abraham Harold Maslow), in a new philosophical- psychological paradigm (Miroshnik, Gavrilin) love is understood as the synergy of the complementary contrasts aspiring to generation harmonious third, which becomes amphoteric - " both that and another ", that is their original transcription. And, amphoteric determination of development gives to the interpersonal communications a productive synergic character and is a necessary condition of formation of harmonious trinitarian thinking and consciousness of the person.

Amphoteric image of the world in three measurements

A psycho-physiological basis of such activity  is the amphoteric unity of the left and right hemispheres of a brain of the person generating amphoteric mental images (subjective - objective, internal - external, ideal - real etc.)

We believe, that the ampthitrinitarian model is a basis of functioning of a brain of the person which generates an amphoteric image of the objective world in three measurements.

Let's explain this thesis on simple examples.

It is known, that on a retina of each eye one bidimentional image and as our eyes are located on some distance from each other is created only, they see the world under a little bit various corners (more to the right and more to the left of the centre) and send a brain simultaneously this dual information in both hemispheres. But the brain from these two mutually additional (complementary) images generates a uniform three-dimensional vision of the world, providing us three-dimensional sight.

Similarly affairs are and in the field of hearing. The right and left ear will carry out in a brain simultaneously a little bit various information as auricles have various localization (accommodation) in space. But the brain integrates two acoustical images and reproduces for us the stereophonic sound world in three measurements.

These are simple examples of functioning of the amphoteric brain generating an image of the world in three measurements, actually open to us one of displays of a universal principle of functioning and development of complex systems which we determine as ampthitrinitarian synergic model.

But if during perception of the elementary information the brain fulfils ampthitrinitarian model irrespective of the person, on more high levels of the semantic analysis of the information, for restoration of adequate work of a brain are required special psychotherapeutic technologies.

Method of a synergic interactive musictherapy

 As our practice has shown, the synergic communications of complementary hemispheres of a brain can be restored with the help of the newest psychological technologies based on complex interaction of arts (synaesthetic), the high technology technologies (multimedia), spiritual Practices

 (Initialization ).

Concrete example of such newest психотехнологии is the Personality-oriented Computerized Psychotherapy (POC-THERAPY), which major component - a synergic interactive musictherapy (SIM).


As a matter of fact, a SIM it - humanitarian practice - a component of new personalistic culture - its part, complementary to the whole.


Let's address to a history of occurrence of this method.

For the first time the method of a synergic interactive musictherapy (SIM) was developed and patented in the Russian Federation as " the Way of the directed regulation of a psychoemothional condition of the person " (I.M.Miroshnik, E.V.Gavrilin, 1993).

The method of orientable regulation of psychoemothional state  of the person

FIELD: medicine. SUBSTANCE: method concludes in showing audio-visual and musical compositions to person. The compositions provide capability of changing human condition into required one. Musical compositions are selected which have no less than singleperiod and constant rate, metro-rythm and mode-key within preset composition. Musical compositions are classified by method of expert evaluations of emotional experience caused by hearing. Psycho-diagnostic tests are used intended for evaluation of parameters of psycho-emotional condition. Psycho-emotional condition of patient and musical composition required are chosen according to values of their parameters which are evaluated by means of the same parameters. EFFECT: improved precision; improvedreliability. 7 cl

1.       A way of the directed regulation of a psychoemotional condition of the person, including selection and classification of various musical compositions by emotional colouring, and presentation to their patient according to the required psychoemotional condition, distinguished by that musical compositions select, each of which models with the help of various musical means of art expressiveness concrete, strongly pronounced and rather constant within the framework of the given composition an emotional condition, classification of musical compositions make a method of expert estimations of the emotional conditions arising as a result of listening of musical compositions for what use the psychodiagnostic tests intended for a self-estimation of parameters of a psychoemotional condition, and show to the patient a musical composition which expert estimation with the help of the given tests on the parameters corresponds to a required psychoemotional condition.

2.       The way on the item 1 distinguished by that before presentation to the person of a musical composition with parameters which values correspond to a required psychoemotional condition, is determined with values of the same parameters of his psychoemotional condition with the help of the same tests and show to him a musical composition with parameters which values correspond to an initial psychoemotional condition of the person.

3.       The way on the item 2 distinguished by that between presentations to the person of musical compositions with parameters which values correspond to his initial and required condition, to the person is showed with one or several musical compositions with intermediate values of parameters.

4.       A way on the item 1-3 distinguished by that simultaneously with a musical composition show the person a visual image which colouring is chosen by a technique of a Simultaneous Presentation of Sound and Color stimuluses by I.MIROSHNIK, thus in colouring a visual image in the greater degree the colors appropriate to emotional character of the given musical composition are submitted.

5.       A way on the item 1-4 distinguished by that simultaneously with a musical composition show the person a visual dynamic image, speed of movement and - or which transformation is proportional to rate of a musical composition during its sounding and equal to zero during interruption of a sound.

6.       A way on the item 4-5 distinguished by that show the person a visual dynamic image, speed of change of which color saturation or its part is proportional to rate of a musical composition during its sounding and equal to zero during interruption of a sound, thus to higher sounds there correspond less sated colors.

7.       A way on the item 4-6 distinguished by that show the person a visual dynamic image which brightness or to its part is proportional to loudness of a sound.

     Use of the given way provides the directed translation of the patient from an actual, initial psychoemotional condition, that is really experienced by the subject at the moment of time of the beginning of a psycho-correction, in a required condition, that is the mental condition determined by the psychologist (therapist) as the purpose of video-music therapy.


(С) All rights reserved, I.Miroshnik and E.Gavrilin, 1983-2003

The psychological technique of a Simultaneous Presentation of Sound and Color Stimuluses (SPSC)

The psychological technique of a Simultaneous Presentation of Sound and Color Stimuluses (SPSC) is developed and approved by Irina Miroshnik in dissertational research in 1983-1986 years. In 1990 I.Miroshnik's dissertation on a theme "The personality of the teacher as the factor of development at pupils of emotional and figurative perception of music" was successfully protected in Psychological Institute of the Russian Academy of education (Moscow).   In the dissertation the original technique of audio-visual simultaneously representation (AVS), which was used in our subsequent development, was developed.The technique consists in the following: simultaneously with a piece of music (sound stimulus) a number of various color stimuluses is offered to the person and the following instruction is given: " choose that color which you want to draw this music ". Simultaneously showing musical and color stimuluses (amphoteric, bifunctional character  of influence) was a determinative of revealing of psychological laws in that area where a subjective arbitrariness was earlier assumed only.

In dissertational research on the big sample of examinees for the first time is proved, that there is statistically authentic law of a choice of color stimulus on a piece of music. Ability of the person to carry out an adequate choice of color from the offered color palette according to emotional character of a listened piece of music - refers to as a phenomenon of a Sound-Color Simultaneously Representation (SCSR).

The positions which are taken out on protection in I.Miroshnik's dissertation on a theme "The personality of the teacher as the factor of development at pupils of emotional and figurative perception of music" :

1.       At preschool and younger school age the phenomenon of a Sound-Color Simultaneously Representation (SCSR),  that determined as ability of the child during a simultaneous presentation of  a music and  some color stimuluses to carry out the coordination of elements of color palette with an arisen emotional condition, is exist.

2.       Development of emotional perception of music and creative imagination at children is characterized by certain age dynamics which is shown in ability of a Sound-Color Simultaneously Representation. In the age of from 4 till 8 years steady increase of  emotional responsiveness on the music, experimentally registered in high parameters on a ability of SCSR is observed. Then in the period since 9-11 years gradual decrease of parameters on a ability of SCSR that is as supposes, consequence of falling of emotional activity of perception of music by children is marked.

3.       Musical training generally a little bit changes age dynamics of a ability of sound-color simultaneously representation (SCSR). However in critical for the given phenomenon an age range (10-12 years for musical school) the significant disorder of values of parameters on a ability of SCSR for various groups of pupils is observed.              

4.       Depending on character and a level of the personality influence,  teachers can render positive or negative influence on development of ability of a SCSR and, hence, change natural age dynamics of emotional perception of music by children.  

 The technique of Simultaneous Presentation of Sound and Color stimuluses (SPSC) became a basis for creation of computer technology "Audio -  Visual Simultaneously representation (AVS)", which was used in computer system of interactive video-musical therapy  "TONIC" (I.Miroshnik, E.Gavrilin, 1991-1993). The technology  "Audio -  Visual Simultaneously representation (AVS)" as applied to computer creation of Video - Musical Compositions (VMC), is directed influencing on a psychoemotional condition of the person (Ye.Gavrilin, I.Miroshnik, the patent for the invention of Russia, "The METHOD OF DIRECTED REGULATION OF PSYCHO-EMOTIONAL CONDITION OF HUMAN"; Application Number: 93039112/14, Date of Filing: 1993.07.30; Claim(s) date: 1995.04.30, Edition of International Classification: 6; International Classification: A61M21/00 )

 It is important to note, that not only a way of the directed regulation of a psychoemothional condition of the person, but also the experimental techniques described above (audio-visual simultaneously representation (AVS), the image of the movement, a Simultaneous artistic image) were approved in clinic and effectively can be applied with a view of a psychotherapy, psychological correction.

    Music and videoline automatically generated on its basis were reproduced with the help of the personal COMPUTER, for what in 1991 (i.e. long before occurrence of similar programs on the basis of technology the multimedia) was specially developed a program videomusical synthesizer.

Demonstration VCD1 with compositions from TONICS

Now we shall show videorecording color musical dynamic compositions with which help correction psychoemothional condition was carried out. These compositions were automatically generated by the computer on special algorithm. We shall notice, that this program was written for personal computer IBM PC AT in 1990-1992 years, that is then when all modern arsenal multimedia did not exist yet in a nature. At that time on the personal computer was not neither sound payments, nor powerful videocards with graphic accelerators. " Windows " was still in wonder, and Bill Gates yet did not begin one of richest people of a planet, and was only very talented programmer and the businessman. Personal computers at that time practically were not applied to work with графикой and music. However, despite of technical imperfection, the principles incorporated in " a way of the directed regulation of a psychoemothional condition " allowed to achieve unique results in rehabilitation of patients by a narcotism, alcoholics, an ill psychiatric and psychosomatic structure.


( there Is Demonstration VCD1 with compositions from TONICS)


So, this way was realized by us in the first computer system of interactive video-musical therapy of "TONIC" and approved in the Moscow scientific research institute of the joint venture (1992-1994). Its distinctive features:

·    Presence of system of classification with which help the space of mental conditions and properties of the person is structured and is created his display (transcription) in space of various artistic images.

·    the automated fine tuning of musical color dynamic (videomusical) compositions to actual and desirable psychoemothional conditions of the patient (a transcription of conditions and properties of the person in artistic images); 

·    change of a condition in the given direction with the help of videomusical programs (translation complementary to the subject of audio-visual images); 

·    the multi-modal feedback informing the patient about changes, occuring during a musictherapy, with use of various representative systems.

The method developed by us has allowed further with the help of psychological tests to model in system of a POC-THERAPY various mental conditions and properties of the person, (including temperament, character etc.) and to carry out their transcriptions in various and polymodal artistic images (musical, color dynamic, literary - poetic, dramaturgic, picturesque etc.). And, results of psychological testing of influence of artistic images on mental conditions and properties of the person were verified and on objective parameters.

Experience of clinical application of a SIM

In our article " Experience of clinical application of system of Tonic in medical diagnostic work ", published in 1994 in the collection " Mental health of the population of Russia, some results of approbation of system of interactive video-musical therapy of "TONIC" in the Moscow scientific research institute of the joint venture were submitted.

 Let's result the basic theses of this work.


The psychoemothional condition of the person (PCP) is a component of structure of his functional condition and is considered by us as subjectively significant integrator of influence of internal and external factors during ability to live of the individual. 

      As practice shows, the PCP, on the one hand, is the sensitive indicator disadaptations of an organism, and with another - object of psychotherapeutic influence which allows to compensate displays disadaptable syndrome. As have shown our researches, dynamics of a PCP can serve as a parameter of efficiency of rehabilitation of patients after heavy poisonings.

      With the purpose of the decision of a problem of rehabilitation of patients after heavy poisonings with psychotropic preparations on resistibility stages of a poisoning the automated control system of a psychoemothional condition of the person of "TONIC" was applied. The system was applied alongside with the medicinal therapy directed on removal of displays psychoorganic of a syndrome.

The Tonika (Tonic) System is an IBM PC/AT-based program complex, intended  for the individual control and correction of a PCP. In system " the Way of the directed regulation of a PCP ", based on a technique of lumpsum musical color influence on the recipient which provides nonverbal suggestion of the certain PCP is realized. The system functions in three modes:

4.     the psychoemothional condition of the person diagnostics;

5.     the psychoemothional condition of the person  optimization;

6.    data analysis and system adjustment (for "the psychologist" only).

       In a mode of "adjustment" of system the doctor - psychopheraputic has an opportunity to set the script of a computer psychotherapy, which determines structure and a sequence of presentation of psychodiagnostic tests (eight-factorial test Supos 8, eight-color test by M. Lusher with an estimation of vegetative balance and a total deviation from norms), and also one of three modes of correction of a condition of the patient: removals of a psycho-physical pressure (relaxation), adjustment on the vigorous activity (mobilization) or the general harmonization of a condition (optimization). Depending on values of parameters of the diagnosed actual PCP system " Tonic " automatically chooses and reproduces the audio-visual compositions providing the maximal psychotherapeutic effect in a given mode of correction of a PCP with the help of the personal computer.

       During clinical approbation the subsystem of diagnostics of a PCP was added with objective methods (Frequency of intimate reductions, Arterial pressure, Skin galvanic reaction), allowing to look after dynamics of a vegetative tone shown as sympathetic and pair - sympathetic "shifts", and also computer tests for an estimation simple sensomotoric reactions, attention (table  of Shulte), uneasiness , " State of health, Activity, Mood " and other psychological tests.

       During complex treatment of 25 patients with poisonings  were carried out sessions of a computer psychotherapy with application of system "Tonic " (on 2 - 3 sessions in 1-3 days).  

       In result after sessions of a computer psychotherapy at patients changes of parameters of an actual PCP adequate to carried out influence, both on subjective and on objective methods of testing were observed.

       In a mode of "mobilization" which was appointed the patient with expressed depressive

syndrome, increases of values under factors of estimation PCP "Vigour", "Activity" on the average on 16 % c by simultaneous decrease of parameters under factors "Depression" - on 12 %, "Despondency" - on 13 % were observed. Thus shift of vegetative balance aside activation sympathetic components of vegetative nervous system was clearly fixed.

       In a mode of "relaxation" which was appointed the patient with expressed a Disturbing syndrome, on the contrary, value under factors "Activity", "Impulsiveness", "Anxiety", "Uneasiness"  on the average accordingly on 10 %, 11 %, 15 %, 15 %, and on the factor "Calmness" - were increased by 17 %. Shift of parameters of vegetative balance aside activation pair sympathetic components of vegetative nervous system was simultaneously observed.

       In a mode of "Optimization" which was appointed the patient both after a mode of "Mobilization", and after a mode of "Relaxation", there was a relative displacement of a parameter of vegetative balance under test Lusher’s to values to simultaneous reduction of a total deviation from norms.

       Also it is necessary to note, that for all modes of correction of a condition after sessions of a computer psychotherapy positive changes under the test the DIGNITY (the factor "State of health" on the average on 20 %, the factor "Mood" - on 24 %) and under test Spilberger’s - reduction of a parameter of situational uneasiness up to "average" and "low" levels were observed.

       Thus, results of clinical approbation show, that the system of a computer psychotherapy of "Tonic" can be applied alongside with the standard methods as not medicamentous means of the accelerated rehabilitation of patients with sharp psychogenic reactions at poisonings.

       It is necessary to note an opportunity of application of system " Tonic "  the purpose of increase of suggestibility at realization of the psychotherapy directed on restoration of work capacity and social adaptation of patients, and also diagnostics, preventive maintenance and treatment of psychoemothional infringements.

Let's result a bright example of application of the Synergic Interactive Musictherapy in psychotherapeutic practice.

Demonstration of a session of a SIM   

In psychotherapeutic practice frequently there are cases when as a result of psychoemothional frustration  at the patient the expressed affective infringements which can be shown in the form of deep depression or high uneasiness are observed.

   In these cases effectively it is possible to apply the offered way of the directed regulation of a psychoemothional condition. And, if in a psychoemothional condition of the patient depressive components prevail, regulation of a condition in a direction of mental mobilization, i.e. consecutive translation in a condition described by high vigour, activity, confidence of the forces etc is recommended.

   In case of prevalence of components of disturbing affect gradual translation of the patient in a condition of a pleasant calming relaxation which is characterized by a low level of anxiety and uneasiness at an average level of vigour and a low level of mental activity is expedient.

Let's consider a concrete example.



Problem of musical interpretation  

" Hi the Bach - is spoken by the God.

  Hi the God - speaks a Bach "

 From songs Alexander Galich



As a musical therapeutic material in system " Tonic " various musical compositions on themes of 48 preludes and the fugues including in Well-Tempered Clavier - I.S.Bach's composition were applied

In process of perfection of technology "Multimedia" musical compositions and their transcriptions in color dynamic images were improved.

First we have replaced the elementary synthesizer of a sound with more modern. Thus the idea of amphoteric character of the man's and female beginning in absolute was realized. Behind this metaphor that fact disappears, that in the new version of system " Tonic " is used original a timbre - rhythmic interpretation WТC of a Bach.

Demonstration of the new version Tonics in a format of Video  CD

Today we shall show the new version of system of Tonic in the videorecording made directly from the personal computer on the videorecorder, and then recoded in a format of Video CD.

As you hear in this record of the Prelude and the Fugue of Bach are executed a mansion of man's and female voices. It art decision is one of concrete realizations of the principle of amphoteric character offered by us. And it art decision allows to achieve special expressiveness of performance and, accordingly force of therapeutic influence. Professionals understand, that such interpretation - result creative, but long and laborious work. 

Have accordingly changed also a visual line. And, though in this record we can not in full will take pleasure in magnificent game of color dynamic images, we see, that application of modern computer technologies of animation and 3D-graphic, allow essentially to raise expressive capacity and force of therapeutic influence of videomusical compositions.


Thus, actually the technology of the directed musictherapy in the basis remains constant since 1992.


As we already marked, for its realization the system of classification of mental conditions and properties was developed and with its help the space of mental conditions and properties of the person and its display in space of various artistic images as which 96 pieces of music from Well-Tempered Clavier  by I.S.Bach were used. And, results of psychological testing of influence of musical artistic images on mental conditions and properties of the person were checked up on objective parameters.

Our long-term clinical experimental researches have shown, that Well-Tempered Clavier  by I.S.Bach has really boundless therapeutic potential and as a hobby, and for a body of the person.

Therefore we completely agree with opinion of some critics that Well-Tempered Clavier  is the perfect musical model worth at a level of divine creation of the world with infinite potential incorporated in it to development of each of its components. But we are not limited to this opinion.

Today it is important to understand, that in conditions of expansion of a postmodernism, an eclectic masscult, with the expressed semiology of the ambivalent thinking which is washing away as the person traced on coastal sand not only the subject, but also personal senses of human words, music, musical language starts carries out the same function, as a word of the God. Therefore, probably, the Third precept comes to us not in a word, and in music.

Certainly with a known share of metaphoricalness, we can consider Well-Tempered Clavier  by I.S.Bach as the third precept inverted to mankind. From this point of view Bach - the prophet to whom the revelation of Sacred Spirit expressed in the musical form was shown.

Well-Tempered Clavier  by I.S.Bach - the God inside us. That feels that and the person realizes, listening to music Well-Tempered Clavier and there is a word of the God of the third precept, the word going from within, instead of outside, a word inverted individually to each person, in his own language of personal concepts and senses.

Well-Tempered Clavier by I.S.Bach - the God sounding in you, the God sounding in an internal Temple of your soul.

In music of a Bach human and divine are in a synergy - complementary unity, it forms the personal trinitarian thinking having property of amphoteric character, on an image and similarity.

From the point of view developed by us, great composers - prophets of Sacred Spirit, Spirit of True, that in us stays and per one century will be.

Task of musicians and musictheraputics - Hermeneutics interpretation of classical pieces of music with the purpose of disclosing listening their sacral sense. The executor (as " Sacred text") creates the interpreter together with the composer and expresses the latent, polysemantic maintenance of music in intonational and rhythmic language of the epoch. Thus, we determine a task of musical Hermeneutics simultaneously and in sense Gadamer, and in sense W.Dilthey. That is the interpreter on the one hand should penetrate into elements of historical time in which the piece of music was created, and, on the other hand - it should express comprehended senses in intonational language of the epoch. Otherwise, it remain not understood by contemporaries. And its performance will be interesting and clear only to a narrow circle of professionals. In our opinion, only such amphoteric Hermeneutics can become a key to comprehension and disclosing of sacral sense of music.

And, during a SIM not only the executor, but also the student actively creates together with the composer. There is a triune system: the composer - the musician - listening. And in this synergic process listening the word of the God sounding in him opens. He hears Spirit of True, in him staying.

The special role in a synergic interactive musictherapy is allocated transcriptions of music in a visual color dynamic image. The visual, color dynamic image appropriate to emotional character of a piece of music, carries out function of the catalyst of direct emotional aesthetic reaction to music in a synergic interactive musictherapy and allows the student in sacral the diagram of motives to see the latent semantics of the third precept coded in music of a Bach and ingenious creations of great composers of a classicism, romanticism and impressionism.

Synergic a way of Hermeneutics interpretation  and performances of music

At the end of 90th years the method of a synergic interactive musictherapy was added with offered I.M.Miroshnik a synergic way of interpretation and performance of music. According to this way, innovative interpretation of pieces of music is carried out in view of laws of harmonious change of phase conditions in complex oscillatory systems (under the law phasegenesis), and specially developed piano performing engineering provides disclosing a deep code of music to students therefore music becomes for students not an external sound background, and with the synergic process providing effective self-management and self-development of the person on психо biological, psychosocial and психо spiritual levels of life, consciousness, activity.

DEMONSTRATION (CD " the Album of synergic music ", 1998).

The theory and practice of a music-color synergy


The synergic an artistic image has unique property to cause synthesis of amphoteric mental connections (subjective - objective, ideal - real, internal - external, causal - teleonomic), carried out in a trinity acoustical, kynaesthetic and visual representations (ampthitrinitarian synergic model). A Psycho-Physiological basis of such synthesis, from our point of view, the amphoteric (bifunctional) unity of the left and right hemispheres of a brain of the person is. 

We believe, that synergic interaction of complementary hemispheres of a brain can be initiated with the help of the newest psychological technologies based on a synergy of arts (synaesthetic), the high technology technologies (multimedia), spiritual practice (Initialization ). A concrete example of such technology is the POC-THERAPY and its major component - a synergic interactive musictherapy.

In the theory of a POC-THERAPY we consider a SIM not only as a method of treatment, but also as the cultural humanitarian practice directed on harmonization of the person in a trinity of her biological, social and spiritual “life - consciousnesses – time”.

We believe also, that the ampthitrinitarian paradigm (a bifunctional Trinity) underlies the theory of music and finds the embodiment in the basic harmonious intervals (an octave, a quint, a quart), major and minor harmonious triads (tonic, a subdominant, a dominant), connected quintum relationship.

As we already marked, in a SIM the transcription of major and minor harmonious triads in color dynamic images is carried out. This transcription is based on a principle of complementary relations of musical and color intervals open by us, that is conformity of an interval of a quint and complementary colors. We experimentally (with the help of a psychological technique of a Simultaneous Presentation of Sound and Color Stimuluses ) reveal conformity of twelve steps musical and color building. The revealed law has allowed to harmonize  the quintum-quartum circle from 12 major and minor tonalities and a circle of complementary colors (and also a zodiac circle from 12 constellations). The transcription of attitudes of an interval of a quint in relations of complementary colors was the original metrics for an establishment of a synergy of music and color, that is for creation of a matrix musical - color harmony. In its result two complementary circles are formed: Complementary colors and the musical tonalities located on a degree of harmonious relationship, that essentially differs from traditional models of old indian and Chinese philosophies, Pythagorean, Platonic and also West-European philosophies.

Thus, theories of musical and color harmony become complementary and there is a uniform theory of musical - color synergy. Therefore specially organized (synergic) videomusic is considered in a POC-THERAPY not only as means of the directed self-control, but also as the spiritual practice providing development of harmonious trinitarian thinking and consciousness of the person.

The synergic video-musical art image has unique property to cause synthesis of amphoteric mental connections (subjective - objective, ideal - real, internal - external, causal - teleologic), carried out in a trinity acoustical, cinaesthetic and visual representations (ampthitrinitarian synergic model). Therefore in unity with information technologies (causae ministeriales) synergic music creates during a POC-THERAPY powerful power streams (causae efficiens), carrying out the important role in therapy and self-realization of the person (causa finalis). 

Indications to application of a SIM are wide: diseases of nervous system, cardiovascular system, a gastroenteric path, decrease of immunity and so forth. the Synergic musictherapy can be applied in a complex of a POC-THERAPY and in a combination to physiotherapy etc. methods of treatment, both in individual, and in group forms.

Thus, the SIM opens essentially new opportunities for medicine, development of creative abilities, harmonization of thinking and consciousness of the person in conditions of becoming of new postindustrial synergic culture of the third millenium.


Synergic Interactive Musictherapy

I.M.Miroshnik, E.V.Gavrilin

The centre of PОC-THERAPY, Kharkov,

Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Science, Moscow


 For the first time the method of synergic interactive musictherapy was developed and patented in the Russian Federation (I.M.Miroshnik, E.V.Gavrilin, 1993). This way was realized by us in the first computer system of interactive video-musical therapy of "TONIC." Its distinctive features: the automated fine tuning videomusical compositions to actual and desirable conditions of the patient (a transcription of conditions and properties of the person in artistic images); change of a condition in the given direction with the help of videomusical programs (translation complementary to the subject of audio-visual images); a feedback informing the patient about changes, occuring during a musictherapy, with use of various representative systems. Music and videoline automatically generated on its basis were reproduced with the help of the personal computer, for what in 1991 was specially developed a program videomusical synthesizer. (i.e. long before occurrence of similar programs on the basis of technology the multimedia) At the end of 90th years this method was added with offered I.M.Miroshnik a synergic way of interpretation and performance of music. According to this way, innovative interpretation of pieces of music is carried out in view of laws of harmonious change of phase conditions in complex oscillatory systems, and specially developed piano performing engineering provides disclosing a deep code of music to patients. for whom it becomes not an external sound background, and with the synergic process providing effective self-management and self-development of the person (CD " the Album of synergic music ", 1998).

In SIM the transcription of major and minor harmonious triads in color dynamic images is carried out. This transcription is based on a principle open by us complementary relations of musical and color intervals, that is conformity of an interval of a quint and complementary colors. We experimentally reveal conformity of twelve steps musical and color systems. The revealed law has allowed to harmonize a quintum circle from 12 major both minor tonalities and a circle of complementary colors (and also a zodiac circle from 12 constellations). In its result two are formed a circle: complementary colors and the musical tonalities located on a degree of harmonious relationship, that essentially differs from traditional models of Old Indian, Chinese and European philosophy. Thus, theories of musical and color harmony become complementary and there is a Uniform theory of Music-Color Synergy.

A concrete example of such technology is the Personality Oriented Computerized psychotherapy (POC-THERAPY) and its major component - a Synergic Interactive Musictherapy (SIM). SIM opens essentially new opportunities for medicine, development of creative abilities, harmonization of thinking and consciousness of the person in conditions of becoming of new postindustrial synergic culture of the third millenium.


 (С) All rights reserved, I.Miroshnik and E.Gavrilin, 1983-2003

Irina M.Miroshnik (Ph.D.,Psychology) e-mail: pocther@ok.ru

Evgeny V.Gavrilin (Ph.D.,Technical Sciences) e-mail: psyart@ok.ru





[i] См. Архив научных публикаций по ЛОК-терапии в Интернет по адресу http://compsyther.narod.ru/links.html

[ii] Слово "синергия" греческого происхождения (греч. synergeia ) и означает совместное действие, то есть со-действие различных сил или субъектов таким образом, что действие одного усиливает действие другого. ЛОК-терапия  синергирует психо-биологические, психо-социальные и психо-духовные механизмы самоуправления и, тем самым, позволяет восстановить гармоническое триединство физического-социального-духовного здоровья личности. 

[iii] См. Архив научных публикаций по ЛОК-терапии в Интернет по адресу http://compsyther.narod.ru/links.html

[iv]Синергическая музыка И.Мирошник в Интернет по адресу  http://compsyther.narod.ru/fan.html

[v] Materials of the scientific report, training and the demonstration, submitted by authors on the International symposium " a Musictherapy of 21 CENTURIES ", holding in Evpatoria (Ukraine, Crimea), 2 - October, 3, 2003.


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