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Irina and Evgeny
(21.02.2005 11:43)
Дорогая Флера! Сообщаем Вам адрес клиники "Элорма". Клиника "Элорма", Ставропольский край, 357700, г. Кисловодск, ул. Красноармейская, 4. телефоны: (87937) 3-71-71, 3-03-24; факс: (87937) 3-02-31; e-mail: elorma@narzan.com Главный врач клиники - кандидат медицинских наук Иосиф Павлович Джангиров. Дополнительную информацию о клинике можно получить по следующему адресу в Интернет: http://condor.narzan.com/~elorma/elorma.html Относительно наших услуг и условий сообщаем, что мы имеем положительный опыт сотрудничества с этой клиникой. Сообщите на наш e-mail pocther@ok.ru конкретно, что Вам необходимо и мы согласуем все вопросы. С уважением, Ирина Мирошник, Евгений Гаврилин
(18.02.2005 09:34)
Очень нужен адрес ценра "элорма" сколько стоит лечение и другие ваши условия. С уважением Флера.
Dott. Gino Soldera
(01.04.2003 04:56)
L’ associazione “Musica Prima” organizza un corso di specializzazione in musicoterapia di durata triennale denominato “Corso di specializzazione in musicoterapia” al termine del quale viene rilasciato un Diploma di musicoterapia.
Per l’organizzazione del Corso “Musica Prima” ha la collaborazione di vari Enti ed Associazioni, fra i quali:
l’AIAS (Associazione Italiana Assistenza Spastici) di Monza,
l’ASTRI (Associazione Studio e Terapie Riabilitative Italiana) di Milano,
l’ARICO (Associazione Riabilitazione Comatosi) di Milano,
lo S.P.A.E.E. (Servizio di Psicologia dell’Apprendimento e dell’Educazione in Etа evolutiva) dell’Universitа Cattolica di Milano
Destinatari Il corso и destinato a studenti o professionisti che operano nei campi socio-educativo, psicologico, medico, riabilitativo, didattico-musicale e intendono intraprendere una formazione in musicoterapia o arricchire la propria professionalitа integrandola con competenze musicoterapiche.
Obiettivi Obiettivo principale del corso и fornire una adeguata formazione in musicoterapia con approfondite conoscenze teoriche e capacitа di applicazione pratica. Nello specifico:
-Approfondire le capacitа musicali al fine di aumentare le risorse espressive, creative, comunicative per un loro utilizzo in ambito educativo o terapeutico.
-Conoscere la musicoterapia: storia, fondamenti, modelli teorici di riferimento.
-Conoscere le principali patologie fisio-psicologiche nelle quali la musicoterapia puт essere efficace.
-Conoscere e saper applicare le tecniche di musicoterapia proposte.
Sede del corso:
AIAS, sede staccata di Via Arosio, 10, Monza (via della stazione FFSS)
Segreteria e direzione amministrativa Associazione “Musica Prima”, via Pineta, 2, 23887 Olgiate Molgora LC
Tel/fax: 039.509142
sito web: www.lamusicaprima.it e-mail: scuolamusicaprima@inwind.it
Direzione generale prof. Dario Benatti
Comitato scientifico Prof. Dott. Cecilia Morosini Dott. Mauro Scardovelli
Prof. Dott. Alessandro Antonietti Dott. Gino Soldera
(31.03.2003 19:41)
Jan Horvath,Slovakia Dear Jan Horvath! We sincerely sympathize with you. But we are engaged in scientific work, practical psychology, psychological consultation, musical therapy... But we have no any relation to religious sects and including to the sect named " The White Brotherhood ". We are convinced that activity of such organizations brings harm to people. In the work we help people which suffer from various diseases (a narcotism, mental infringements and other). We also help to find belief in and in kindness that who has suffered from activity of religious sects and the extremist organizations. However the sphere of our activity does not include direct contact to religious sects. Therefore we of nothing know about destiny of your brother. But if we will manage to find out somewhere about destiny of your brother, we necessarily shall write to you. The God with you. Irina Miroshnik, pocther@ok.ru Yevgeny Gavrilin, psyart
Irina Miroshnik,Yevgeny Gavrilin
(16.03.2003 01:09)
Jan Horvath,Slovakia Dear Jan Horvath! We sincerely sympathize with you. But we are engaged in scientific work, practical psychology, psychological consultation, musical therapy... But we have no any relation to religious sects and including to the sect named " The White Brotherhood ". We are convinced that activity of such organizations brings harm to people. In the work we help people which suffer from various diseases (a narcotism, mental infringements and other). We also help to find belief in and in kindness that who has suffered from activity of religious sects and the extremist organizations. However the sphere of our activity does not include direct contact to religious sects. Therefore we of nothing know about destiny of your brother. But if we will manage to find out somewhere about destiny of your brother, we necessarily shall write to you. The God with you. Irina Miroshnik, pocther@ok.ru Yevgeny Gavrilin, psyart@ok.ru.
Jan Horvath,Slovakia
(11.03.2003 18:12)
Please, Help me to find my missed brother Milan Horvath /born in 1973/,who has been missed for 10 years since 1993 for a religious sect called "The White Brotherhood" from Kiev,Ukraine.Its leader is "Maria Devi". He has been searched by the Interpol,the Red Cross,the Amnesty Int... Thank you,Jan Horvath,Bratislava,Slovakia.
White Brotherhood sect surviving Second Coming of Maria Devi Christos
Argumenty i fakty/October 3, 2001 By Iva Barmina and Pavel Sorokin Maria Devi Christos, otherwise known as Marina Mamonova-Tsvigun-Krivonogova-Kovalchuk, "a living goddess" in white clothing, regularly predicted the end of the world and spent four years in a prison colony and then was released. She managed to swap her old "apostle" husband for a young "apostle." It is said that she sped around Kiev with him in a Toyota. She lives well, does not expect the end of the world any more, and continues to preach.
Marina has called herself at one time Eve, at another the Mother of the World, at another the Mother of God herself, and at the same time the Son of God, Jesus Christ. And she married not simply the citizen Kovalchuk but "Lord John Peter II." Marriage, and perhaps the jail term, softened the morals of the "goddess." Now she permits her followers to eat meat and she recognizes family unions as sacred and does not call openly any longer for severing everything that binds a person to the world. Like before, she has around her "apostles," "hegumens," and "archdeacons."
Supposedly they live by begging and growing their own gardens. They don't let Maria Devi Christos work in the garden; that is not the deity's business. But where is she herself? "Like God, she is everywhere!"
Actually, in many cities of Ukraine, Kazakhstan, and Russia, especially in the Urals and along the Volga, as well as Moscow, "white brothers" have become notably more active in the past year. The organization has lost numbers but it has maintained its close hierarchy, rigid discipline, and austere secrecy. Leaflets are again showing up on columns: the White Brotherhood needs new souls.
Those who have been able to break with the sect recall it with pain. What actually happened in its headquarters, the Kievan building behind the three-meter fence with barbed wire on top? Evidently nobody knows the whole truth. After the outrages of the "brothers" in 1993, people came to the Kiev GUVD from all over CIS to seek their sons and daughters in the photographs made by the police: those arrested refused to give their names and they were prepared for sudden death for the faith and their "goddess." After the Last Judgment did not happen on the day designated by Maria Devi Christos, and in the course of those ten months that her trial and those of other leaders of the "White Brotherhood" lasted, many awoke from the nightmare.
After the arrest of leaders of the sect an enormous number of expert analyses were conducted for determining the psychological state of children and adults of the "brotherhood." Violations of the psyches were observed in all of those studied.
Those who were indicted were also studied, the Krivonogov couple and Kovalchuk. It was determined that these "gods" who had managed to provoke hysteria in thousands of people without exaggeration did not possess any special extrasensory or hypnotic abilities.
People like people Everybody who dealt with Marina and Yury Krivonogov after their arrest were united in their conclusion: "People like people." At the investigation and trial the couple conducted themselves in a quite human manner. They brought each other down and argued over jackets and apartments and homes and they did not confess where the enormous amounts of money which the sect clearly had disposed of had gone. And in a quite feminine way Marina rejected her old husband (Yury is 25 years older than she) during the investigation and fell in love with the young Kovalchuk. "There is no John (which is what Krivonogov was called in the sect)," she told her disciples. "He is a false teacher. Did I really demand that you perish in my name? I never did such a thing. I do not know where this idea came from at all. The devil put this over on you."
The story of the acquaintance with "this Judas" also came out in court. Before the "White Brotherhood" Krivonogov had made his living with "extrasensory performances," and one time a note came out of the audience from a woman who wrote that she had seen God. Incidentally that was at a time when she was clinically dead while she was having her tenth abortion. The beautiful Marina had a difficult komsomol youth. Arrest put an end to conjugal relations, after the seizure of Holy Wisdom cathedral by the "brothers." At that time canisters with gasoline had been prepared and several dozen persons were supposed to be burned alive in the Orthodox church. But not Marina and Yury; their escape path was carefully laid out.
Return of the "goddess" Nothing that came out in court turned a portion of her disciples away from Maria Devi Christos. As before, they were ready to die for her sake. They waited for her throughout the four years the "living goddess" spent in prison, diligently making four mesh bags each a day and painting the walls of the red corner. She did no preaching there. But, after release, she did not forget her flock, in contrast to Yury Krivonogov. Within the sect he was imprecated with words of renunciation: "I am ashamed of those ravings I wrote. I want to spend the rest of my days in peace." In the words of her worshipper, Hegumena Gertrude from Dnepropetrovsk, "tribulations only strengthened Maria Devi Christos; she returned from the camp even more convinced that she was an incarnation of the idea of God." It must be said that Marina and her associates publicly renounced the proclamation of the end of the world and they pledged not to include children in worship services. However, the "Teaching" remained and according to it salvation will be attained only by those who "easily separate themselves from neighbors and family and who cannot be lured away; but if their mind is seduced they will be restrained by the power of Maria Devi Christos." Maria Devi Christos does not repeat these words in the presence of outsiders. She could get a new sentence for them and it does not take a prophet to realize that.
(02.12.2002 22:02)
В настоящий период занимаюсь вопросом создания компьютерного коплекса коррекции психоречевого развития. Если Вы будете заинтересованы в сотрудничестве, прошу написать по e-mail.
Ваши друзья
(26.11.2002 14:41)
Уважаемые Ирина и Евгений! Почему Вы не реагируете на откровенную глупость и хамство "академиков тринитаризма"? СМОТРИТЕ:http://www.trinitas.ru/
(15.10.2002 14:13)
Уважаемые Ирина Мирошник и Евгений Гаврилин, а не кажется ли вам, что у вас что-то украли?"
"Мой край, моя Москва, Моя Россия"
Дистантный семинар - 9 Тема: "Праздники народного календаря как феномен исторически сложившейся интеграции науки - религии - искусства в русской культуре. Предлагаемые к обсуждению материалы из книги Полуниной В.Н. "Прогулки по Москве" раскрывают опыт занятий с детьми по теме семинара и могут стать полезными в работе над своим планом, соответствующим конкретным региональным условиям. Важно лишь не потерять драматургического стержня-основания для интеграции многозначных видов культуры: науки - религии - искусства , общение с которыми должно вызвать творчество участников конкурса - и детей, и педагогов. Эта форма организации дополнительного образования может стать предметом творческого исследования педагогов,разработки интегрированных программ, осуществляемых индивидуально или группой педагогов-предметников. Результаты осуществления подобных программ с подкреплением их творческими выставками,концертами и есть одна из задач конкурса "Мой край, моя Москва, моя Россия", одна из основных его номинаций. Важно при этом не сузить культурно-исторического пространства темы конкурса, не ограничить его только своим краем, потому что воспитание патриотического сознания молодых граждан не возможно без крепких связей с Москвой,Россией. Это тоже одна из важнейших задач нашего творческого постоянного конкурса,проводимого в рамках Государственной программы "О патриотическом воспитании граждан Российской Федерации". Задание. Отметьте по текстам, какие виды икультуры : наука - религия - искусство - интегрируются с достаточной полнотой,участие каких следует расширить. Разработайте и осуществите к Конкурсу свою интегрированную программу "Мой край, моя Москва,моя Россия". Автор проекта конкурса, руководитель семинара П О Л У Н И Н А Валентина Николаевна адрес: E-MAIL - vpolunjna@majl.ru
(19.02.2002 17:40)
Спасибо за прекрасную музыку!
A Seagull
(06.11.2001 09:02)
A Seagull Member Member # 5188 posted 11-03-2001 08:48 AM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you Irina&Yevgeny, this is really sweet. Since yesterday I was trying to hear this music, I finally heard it today. I really appreciate you shared this site. I love music, Is something that make me feel like an angel and fly with my imagination, time for healing, for surrender negative feelings and let our emotions flow as a river. Sending you love from Venezuela friend. Love and blessings, Anais.
Friar Tim
(06.11.2001 09:01)
Friar Tim Member Member # 4160 posted 11-02-2001 05:08 AM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you, I do love piano music, your song moved me in my heart. I hoped you received the poems. I am having children read them and then draw a picture of what it means to them, I have received some very moving pictures. Peace always, Friar Tim
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Posts
(21.10.2001 03:27)
Как попасть на Ваш чат?
(10.10.2001 08:30)
Ира и Женя почему на Вашем сайте нет ссылок на мою студию?
(26.09.2001 09:41)
Потрясающая информация